Smorgasburg – Jerry Quizhpi


I went to Smorgasburg Sunday morning on November 6th. It was located nearby Barclays center in a building called Skylight One Hanson. When i went inside the building they had the flea market and the food bizarre in the same building but on different floors. There weren’t a lot of people and it wasn’t as packed because it was early morning and people had just began to arrive. Everyone in the area was very friendly. There were many customers from different areas that all came together to this huge event to socialize and have a great time trying out new things.. The smells around the area were delightful and attracted customers to each individual stalls. I went around the entire place trying each food seeing which i liked and which ones i didn’t.

There were many stands and each of them served their own unique item either from their culture or from their own creations. There was one dessert item that really caught my attention and it was called Gooey Butter Cake. It was composed of two layers. The bottom was a traditional cake with a little extra butter which made it taste very sweet rich taste to it. The cake was very soft and it was very moist. The top layer of this dessert was cheesecake with cookie crumble on top. The cheesecake was very sweet and it combined well with the bit of saltiness from the butter which combined very well. There were many other foods but i loved the taste of this dessert so much it kept me away from other stands. The price wasn’t outrageous, for three small cakes it was $5 and it was well worth the pay.

There was only one unusual food that i didn’t like out of the entire event and that was this weird thing. I think it was called kimchi, and i didn’t like it one bit. When i bit it it was sour and it was very spicy. It had a very weird flavor and it wasn’t pleasant to my taste. Every stand was handling their products in their own manner because each food required certain care to be organized and produced. One of the vendors had made their own ice cream flavor which they needed to keep well frozen while the Gooey Butter Cake was placed on display inside a glass cabinet which did not need to be cooled or kept hot. Each stand also had their unique prices because the serving size differed depending on what you were going for. For example, the quality of the small cakes were amazing but the size was small. You pay for something small but it surprises you with this huge flavor unexpectedly.

Smorgasburg was a really great experience because it opened my pallet to brand new unique flavors. I would recommend that people go to one of these events because it’s fun, and you get to taste new foods that you probably haven’t seen or tasted before. It’s best to go early because it won’t be as packed like in the afternoons. It’s highly recommended that you try everything that’s available because you might never know if you find a new food you’d love.

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