Wait, but how many interviews?

I knew the best thing to do was to attempt to get an internship before the semester starts. So, I did what I know what to do best… search the web! Upon a simple google search, I noticed there were a lot of different resources for job hunting and even some dedicated to internship specifically. From there I made different profiles and began applying everywhere. The site where I applied through the most was Indeed.com.

Fast forward and the start of the semester is slowly creeping out and still no luck (insert scream emoji) That is until I received an email from MM.LaFleur! I was contacted by the HR Coordinator to set up an initial phone interview. Although I had experience with phone interviews I was admittedly nervous about it. However, I shouldn’t have been nervous at all as it was a very quick (maybe 10 mins.) interview where she asked me questions like why did I choose to apply to that company, talk a bit about my previous experience, etc. Things went well as she told me she would be emailing me to set up an in-person interview.

The in-person interview was the most important part of the process. After setting up a date with the HR Coordinator I was to be interview by the two graphic designers of the company. As MM (will use MM to refer to MM.LaFleur for rest of blog) is a company dedicated to the professional working woman, I knew I had to dress professionally. On the interview day, I arrived 10 minutes earlier than the scheduled time. After checking in the lobby and going up to the 3rd floor I was greeted by the receptionist/office manager who alerted the interviewers that I was there and offered me water that I declined as I was too nervous to even drink anything.

I was greeted warmly by the two graphic designer, Yan, and Corinne who guided me to a small conference room. Although I brought my own laptop and copies of my resume they already had prepared that on their end for the interview. But it doesn’t hurt to be safe, right? The interview was very relaxed. They first asked me questions about things that were on my resume, they like the fact that I had experience with photography. They asked me a question about why I choose MM and threw some curveball questions like what brand I believe MM could learn from (creativity wise.) Then the fun part came, they pulled up my portfolio and asked me to talk about some of my work. The one they enjoyed the most was the photography piece on the hot sauce Tabasco. They interview wrapped up as they asked me about my schedule and how many days I will be able to work. They informed me that since I was the first candidate they interview for the position and they still had some people lined up I can expect to hear from them in about 2 weeks. Overall, that was the best interview I ever experienced as it felt very natural and I didn’t stumble upon my words (which I tend to do when I get nervous on interviews) so I was hoping for the best.

After more than a week had passed, I started to lose hope so I continue to apply to other places as well. Then, I received an email from HR manager saying they wanted to move on with the interview process and wanted to set up a phone interview with the Art Director of the company. It was a quick 10 min conversation where the Art Director asked me things like what I hope to gain from the internship, etc. A few days later, the HR manager wanted to schedule another quick phone call with me. It was to offer me the job! She outlined the number of hours I’m expected to work and we agree on the hourly rate (yes, I was lucky for this to be a paid internship!)

Although it was a very long process I was happy to (finally) be the Graphic Design Intern at MM.