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30 Responses to 03.Circulation

  1. I strongly agree with the first presentation when they stated that Topography is a major factor in circulation and to provide a warm feeling around all the open spaces is a good idea. Gardening will sure enough bring people to where the plants are that will not only provide shade but it’s enjoyable and relaxing

  2. Roderick says:

    I like the fact that you guys pointed out that there is a historical route towards the waterfront. Like I suggested for the history group you guys might want to check out the Transit Museum close to the school. It would help your group especially to see population changes and how the MTA dealt with the changes in traffic to and from downtown brooklyn.

  3. Redon says:

    Yes. It will attract more people.

  4. francisco says:

    I think would be nice if the nearest subway stations, York and High street, were related to the park by adding graphic information, as murals or engraved pictures of the park to their walls. This, would help attract and direct subway commuters to the waterfront.

  5. Matthew Ho says:

    I totally agree with the idea of recreating signs/roads to redirect the flow of vehicles and walking pedestrians. Not to be pessimistic however, but since making new directional signs is such a good idea, why does your group think it hasn’t happened yet? Would it be due to intensive road re-planning or money? I saw some great instances of justification near the end of your presentation. I honestly would like to see more of that.

  6. ousmanesene says:

    I love this Brooklyn Bridge Park history and the role play around Downtown Brooklyn, DUMBO, Brooklyn’s Main Public and much more….

  7. ousmanesene says:

    The Design strategies of the 1st presentation about circulation is good from others presentation. but it need a little to organizes the photo and make big so the viewer can see the effect of the images. I love that log on liabilities!

  8. Daniel says:

    Just an idea for circulation, you could mention solar powered lights. Besides saving energy, having them will give the park a night life and make movement easier for those who come at night.

  9. PaulaD says:

    I like the first group design strategie of red and blue arrows labeled brooklyn bridge and waterfront. I am not from NY and honestly I would never know the waterfront was so close to school if it wasnt for this trip, I have never seen any signs around.

  10. For your circulation strategy, I had the same idea. There needs to be a separation between pedestrians and bicyclist.

  11. shycior hung says:

    I like both of the presentation I strongly see the presentation more organized and details of the site and suggestions of the design strategies and circulation strategies.

  12. Sheily F. says:

    Morning group, I proposed, on the sustainability group, to add trees by the dock as well. Overall, i believe circulation to get to the park is one of the main issues and your ideas would be greatly considered, I believe you should have circulation diagrams illustrating your suggestions.

  13. I really like the circulation photos for the AM powerepoint. I think they show the big picture of what are problems to consider. I see the woman lost and I my self have left like that when I went to visit for the first time. I took out my phone for directions back to the train. The train was hidding under a building no signs anywhere if I did not had a phone I would of be lost for a while. Sings to the train, to exit the park, to the playground, and main attarctions of the park should be everywhere include.

    • Aura says:

      (Circulation group respond)I agree with your point about the smart phone, we were having the same discussion in my group about the route that the smart phone gave us in order to get to the waterfront.

  14. The first presentation help conveyed the idea of circulation issues much more successfully. Your diagrams help take a rather simple looking photo, and allow a person who has never visited the site to understand. If you continue with these types of diagrams, ultimately you could wind up with a solid circulation strategy!

  15. yhass says:

    Its great that you guys showed historical circulation patterns and how it differs from today. The old Tramcars provided access to the waterfront but NYC population is much bigger than before, new circulation methods were needed. The history team and the circulation team should overlay their maps and see how circulation correlates with the historical sites in the area.

  16. Rosangel peralta says:

    For the PM class i think that you may find the rail road usefull to improve the circulation, maybe you can use them as a guide so people can follow

  17. shycior hung says:

    Hello teams. I am in the sustainability group (pm). We would like to know if you guys have more info about the types of circulation that goes in the areas. I am planning to create stepping stones btwn tillary and jay st to the waterfront brooklyn bridge park in a sustainable matter. Perhaps you guys have better infos. It will be helpful if you guys provide attachments of infos. We can work in sync for what we have as well.

  18. shycior hung says:


    please take a look at this website. for those who are thinking to demolish either of the old buildings. Little did you know, there are 91 old buildings landmarked by the city. You might take a different approach towards your design strategies.

  19. Baljinder says:

    Thank you Shycior, I did not know that our idea’s could be altering with landmarks that have to go through high approval to be demolished. As far as I learned from the website you provided, My group has not touched up on any of those landmarks, but if you could give any helpful suggestions as to how they could be part of stepping stones please let us know.

  20. shycior hung says:

    hello Baljinder… In my team we all agreed to create a sustainable bridge starting at jay st and tillary st crossing in the middle of adams st all the way to york st and prospect ave where the bike lane is towards the brooklyn bridge. We are creating linear access from the bridge from both sides of the area viewing cadman plaza and sands st where all the bikers and pedestrians come from those directions. Professor agreed to the idea. Since you are in circulation team. It will be very interesting if you guys also continue with our bridge idea. How to also provide good circulation from other directions to head towards the pedestrian proposed bridge. The bridge is our stepping stones. Also we had the previous idea of converting most of the industrial landmarked buildings into residential without altering the look which will benefit the community and bring more people. The old rail road tracks, the brooklyn historic railway museum is fighting to preserve the tracks and expand them all the way towards atlantic ave where the museum is, which will drive more people to the waterfront and use those tracks as part of the attraction. Look at the museum website. It might be helpful for your team to think of that idea suggested.

    • Lennart Magi says:

      yes we do have an idea of creating a multilevel walk way over the existing brooklyn bridge bike/pedestrian lane….and we were talking about either making a the walkway T off towards adams street since there is a set of stairs on the bridge that will take you on Camden PLaza….or keep the stairs open and instead of a T we will make an intersection.

  21. Lennart Magi says:

    and no we are not demolishing any landmarks….

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