Obtaining an Internship

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Photo of individual handing a resume to another individual.
Photo by cottonbro studio

Towards the middle of my Spring 2023 semester at City Tech, I began searching and applying for internships because I knew I wanted to take that class in the Summer. I didn’t have a portfolio at the time, so little by little I put together some of my better work on Behance. I relied heavily on the Communication Design Internship Coordination Site to look for rising opportunities, but I also looked for job posts on LinkedIn and Indeed. I applied to a few graphic design oriented internships, but only heard back from a couple.

The first possible employer that answered my application was a print/production business. They wanted an intern to work on social media for their company. They asked me a couple questions about my design and social media skills via email. In the end, they decided I wasn’t a good fit for this role because they were primarily a B2B company, and they believed my experience was more suited for B2C businesses. 

The second employer that answered my application was for a graphic designer that was looking for interns to help create graphics and menu layouts for restaurants. I was intrigued at this opportunity because I currently work at a restaurant, so I have experience seeing menu’s and indoor restaurant signage/promotions. They gave me an interview date and I was somewhat excited and nervous about it at the same time. But in the end I canceled it, because another opportunity was presented to me.

A couple days before that interview was supposed to happen, a professor from City Tech reached out to me about an internship opportunity under his supervision for the Research Foundation of CUNY. In his email, he explained that the job involved editing informational videos about bachelor degree programs offered at City Tech. He thought I could be a good fit for it, since he had seen my work in previous classes. I accepted his offer immediately, because this experience involves more practice in video/motion editing, which is an area in design that I am most interested in learning about. I’m grateful that I did.