Blog 3: The First Day

My first day at NYPIRG was very interesting to say the least. I took the initiative as the company designer and asked David for a calendar of all the events we would be doing, so I could make flyers for them. Most of the events were hosted by students, so automatic I knew I had to discuss the events with my fellow interns and David. David also gave me the task of making memes for the company’s social media. I spent my first half of the day researching their audience on social media and on what NYPIRG fights for. My second half of the day had me gagging, which means I was in a state of shock. I had to talk to classes about voting registrations. I was not ready for this type of work. I was never told that I was going to talk in front of people. This made me nervous because of my fear of public speaking. I was very lucky I only had to observe David talking to the class on my first day.