Blog 12: Art + Community Activism Event

The BRIC House Stoop is an art museum that hosted a panel discussion on how artists and activists shared their creative approaches on the fight against gentrification. I had an interest in this event because it reminded me on why I wanted to become a designer. I wanted to be an activist for African-Americans all over the world. I saw that the media played a big part in why African-Americans were treated so badly. I wanted to be a part of the media so I could change that view or create art to spread light on unfair treatments to African-Americans.

The artist that caught my interest was Pastiche Lumumba. I found a lot of similarities with Pastiche and myself. His artwork is very afro-centric and very camp, much like my work. One piece I loved was the “One Mo Gin”. Whoever was in control of the slides moved very fast, so I was unable to take a photo of it. The piece was a sticker of a black-faced cartoon with monkey similarities in an Obama “Hope” poster. What I got from it was black people came along way from their first represent in media to now.

There were many other people at the event, and they talked about different areas of New York and how it effects their race. One artist, Betty Yu, talked about how Chinese people are leaving Chinatown and moving to Brooklyn. She had different signs all over Chinatown to spread awareness about gentrification