

Masters Of Design 2009: Why Coke’s David Butler is the real thing

This is an interesting article i just suddenly came by from my College Professor. It shows how important design is to multi-billion dollar corporation like Coke and Pepsi. How one design mishap can turn a profitable year to an extraordinary unprofitable next. Yes this may have been in 2009, but David Butler’s Coke design of that year lifted the below average sells of Coke to incredible profitability with just a new look.


Why Charging Just a Little Can Be Better Than Charging Nothing At All

This article is basically saying how free isn’t always good for consumers. I know it sounds crazy but give it a chance and you would understand it better. Sometimes free isn’t good. Think of iPhone games or apps. The free ones have unwanted bugs, advertisements, and everything else horrific with the free merchandise, But when you pay $1 for the real deal all the problems you had before go away in an instant. If i want a premium product and the price is right i would gladly pay for it.


For Adobe, The Future Is tn the Past

Adobe, The biggest creative software giant in the world is….going back to the past. Everything will be touched base in their new line of applications coming out this November. They will work seamlessly with tablets and smart phones to create ideas we couldn’t have dreamed of. Everything is going back to hands on and not keyboard and mouse. KB:M will still be the leading factor of creativity, but these new apps will change Design forever.

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