Annotated Bibliography

  • Hou, Zontee, et al. “How Social Media Has Evolved over the Past 12 Years.” Content Marketing Consulting and Social Media Strategy, 30 Dec. 2019,  

In this blog, the author explains how Social Media has dominated the world due to people using it as a daily basis. The most common media used today are Facebook, Instagram , Pinterest , Snapchat and Twitter. These platforms became an essential to people because it  helps to meet/keep in contact with others all over the world when ever. It is also a professional platform where people can actually get jobs and help businesses improve. Social Media has became a place to Marketing. Small business to large businesses take advantage of these platform to get exposure for their business. 

  • Karim, Fazida, et al. “Social Media Use and Its Connection to Mental Health: A Systematic Review.” Cureus, Cureus, 15 June 2020,  

In this article, briefly discusses how social media are responsible for aggravting mental health problems. Social media has become apart of people’s daily lives and people usually spend most of their hours every day on it. Though everyone spends time on social media studies has shown it has affected mental health, health behavior, physical health, and mortality risk. Social Media have lowered people’s interactions with others face to face. It has proven  that the people’s mental health were affected because it has influenced people’s view, maintain and interact with other social network. There’s data shown that FaceBook a  popular social media platform is used for negative signs and symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. To add on, social media have pressured people to portray an image that most likely isn’t true about themsleves to other’s to satisfy others  and also fitting a category of popularity. 

  • Robinson, Lawrence. “Social Media and Mental Health.”, 22 July 2021, 

This article explains how people rely on social media platforms to build companionship with others to thrive in life. Though social media can be beneficial with keeping up today’s society and interacting with other’s from all over the world, it’s slowly damaging the way people should make connection in the real world. Spending too much time on the Media can increase your risk of depressions, loneliness, anxiety, self harm and even suicidal thoughts. 

  • TEDxTalks. “Is Social Media Hurting Your Mental Health? | Bailey PARNELL | TEDxRyersonU.” YouTube, YouTube, 22 June 2017, 

In this TEDTALK W/ Bailey Parnell, she informs us of 4 stresses on social media  that affects our mental health related to stress, depression and anxiety. These 4 stresses are Highlight Reels, Social Currency, Fear of missing out (F.O.M.O) and online harassments. Highlight reels are what people broadcast on what’s going on in our daily life or a special occasion. People struggle with their insecurities because they compare their behind scenes with everyone else’s  highlight reels. Social Media created social currency which is the colony of attention an example is the amount of likes, comments and shares people have on their post. People are the product and we attribute to each other. We get a sense of feeling good the more social currency we receive which builds anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. To add on, F.O.M.O prevents people from removing social media which adds on to your anxiety. Last, Online Harassment leads people to to commit suicide . People  get harassed because of a group they belong to (LGBTQ), for being a woman , a person of color , a muslim. These 4 stresses can damage our health and may also lead to death.

  •           Gordon, Sherri. “How Social Media Impacts Your Mental Health.” Verywell Mind, 

I just took the picture off the website to show how social media became a distraction to people and isolated them from relaity, 

Walking After Midnight by Rebecca Solnit / 10 Hours Walking as a Woman in NYC

After Reading “ Walking After Midnight” the issues of women being public spaces are that they are being sexualized based on their gender of being a female. The author pointed out how a woman was walking outside in the night and was arrested based on an assumptions of being a prostitute. Women weren’t allowed to roam the streets as much as men at night because of the risk of getting arrested or being sexually assaulted. The author also pointed out that women presence in public spaces “becomes with starling frequency an invasion of their private parts, sometimes literally, and sometimes verbally.” (Page 234). This quote just shows how women can’t go outside with out being looked in an inappropriate way. Rebecca Solnit tries to persuade the reader by pointing out an issues that’s been going on for years. She briefly explains how women are targeted as sexual object rather than a normal human being. She explains how women who are sexualized don’t have a say or a voice of their own when they speak up about what’s going on in society. She points out how women aren’t treated as fairly as men and are being silenced because society refuses to acknowledge it. Solnit uses ethos, pathos and logos in her claim by bringing up her experience from working , other women experience from being stopped by police officers for the assumptions of being a prostitute to being targeted by men who sexually harass them for just walking in the street. In the video “10 hours  Walking as a Woman In NYC” shows what happens to women when their walking in the streets.The discourse community are women.The genre that depicted is audio and visual.

Walking While Black by Garnette Cadogan

Public space becomes a very political issue for black people in the United States of America because African Americans have been targeted based on the color of their skin. They walk around in fear of their lives while those outside of their race are threaten by their skin color. The problem with Cadogan encounters in both New Orleans and New York reflects in today society because being a black man there Is a high chance to be targeted as looking suspicious or a criminal just by the way they look and dress. In the article proved that in paragraph 23 . Cadogan was just walking trying to meet up with his friends at a location and was stopped by a bunch of cops. It states” I heard someone shouting and I looked up to see a police officer approaching with his gun trained on me. “Against the car!” In no time , half a dozen cops were upon me, chucking me against the car and tightly handcuffing me.”Why were you running?, “Where are you going?” “Where are you coming from?”. This was all done because of the simple fact that he was Black African American. One of those cops gave Cadogan an explanation for the incident that happened by stating on paragraph 25 , “ A black man had stabbed someone earlier two or three blocks away and they were searching for him.”. This goes to show in today society that once one black person does a crime the entire African American race is defined as that.  Which isn’t true 

Long Island – New York by Lauren Elkin (from Flaneuse)

In the short story “Long Island- New York” by Lauren Elkin, Elkin blends both her personal story and researches information by explaining the difference from Long Island (suburbs) to New York City (Manhattan). She talks about how her parent grew up outside the city(Bronx and Queens) and moved to the surburbs because it’s much safer and less populated. She goes on by saying living in the surburbs you would need a car to get to places not everything was walking distance. She compared the surburbs to the city by saying the city had varieties of places and things to do within the same area and preferred the city over the suburbs. Elkin believed the surburbs was much more dangerous than the city because it limited her interactions with people.Elkin personal story lead her to do research by exploring the city for herself. She walked the streets in the city becoming fascinated with the the amount of stores there was and it made her excited to go anywhere she wanted. From that point she had the sense of freedom and bein

Headscarf by Elif Bakuman

To wear a certain item of clothing means to express yourself depending on your attitude . Clothing can define us as indivudials, it can give us a hint of personality , our self esteem and can give us an idea of what religion we are all from. In Batuman’s article some issues to discuss when thinking of woman in public space are the amount of sexual assaults they receive depending on the clothing. Women are allowed to wear whatever clothing wear they desire just as men but aren’t really treated with respect. For example, a woman could go outside and wear a mini dress, stockings, heels and would most likely get sexually harassed from a man because of how revealing it is. From a women’s perspective the clothes she wears looks sexy on her and it shows her high self esteem for herself. On the other hand, a man’s perspective would be it’s too revealing, “she wants men attention, or she’s asking for whatever a man does. I do believe clothing can define a person but it can also give hints on a person’s taste, mood ,or social status. A clothing wear doesn’t define a person as a whole. Batuman pointed out that the only way she received respect from other’s is when she wore hijab. Before she wore the hijab people barely acknowledged her or when they did they would treat her so poorly rather than with the hijab on people held the door for her, called her  “sister”, greeted her by smiling. At the end of the day, Women deserves respect regardless of how they carry themselves in society. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect because we are all humans.


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