After reading the comments posted about my bio I was satisfied. They were able to describe me what I was missing and areas where I need to make it stronger. One of the comment written was how I describe myself more and instead of how my avatar relates to me. They would like to know how photography is similar to me and if it’s important to me. I wanted people to know who I am as a person, what I enjoy to do and I what I hope to do. Also, describe what my avatar means to me and what I want the people to know about it. I am very thankful to my classmate who were able to give great comments to improve. Another reason that I enjoy receiving feedback it points out missing ideas that could have made it stronger. Getting feedback from my classmate and giving feedback to each other will help one another writing.
- Write a brief paragraph to introduce yourself to your visitors and explain what they will find on this site. Be sure to add more developed content to your About Me page. (Edit this paragraph in Dashboard > Widgets > Text)
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