Living Lab Fifth Year Fellowship

The Fifth Year Fellowship is a wonderful opportunity to continue the work I started in the Third Year Fellowship on understanding how students learn and how General Education plays a central role in students’ education. My work during the Fifth Year Fellowship has focused on the re-design of ARCH 1130 Building Technology I. I am reconsidering this course, which I wrote in 2011 as part of our AAS Major Curriculum Modification. In my review of the course’s 3 years of implementation and emphasis, I have realized that there are many opportunities to refocus the course on General Education skills development, most important being the objective to develop a dedication to Life Long Learning in our Architectural Technology students.

In spring 2015 the Fifth Year Fellows participated in a regular seminar that focused on General Education, student learning, and teaching techniques. Like the Third Year Fellowship, the faculty group was diverse with members from many departments across the college. The seminar offered an opportunity for us to share teaching approaches to implement General Education learning objectives.

The final deliverable for the 5th year fellowship is my Final Course Change Documentation.

Arch 1130 Building Tech II_final (dragged)PROPOSED COURSE SYLLABUS


Implementation Plan

PASSING RATES: ARCH 1130 and ARCH 1230 compared to other First Year CoursesStudent Performance Analysis_line chartInitial Course Data



Knowledge Organization Diagrams developed as part of this project: