Research/Audience Assignment

Jn Baptiste Raymond Yasminah Carmela 

Date        : December 05, 2019 


       What sup my Instagram friends? How are you? How was our break? I remember I promised you that after the break I’m going to share with us what is the biggest problem for me in NYC which is #Gentrification. Generally, It means that when a lot of rich white people come to settle in a poor area everything changes. For example, the price of living becomes expensive, and even food. Low income individuals who were already here should move out because they can’t afford anything. Even people with low income that come from another area that    love the beauty of the city can’t live there.  

       I found about pushing people from their own area is the cause of mental illness, and even discrimination. Last week I made some research about the change gentrification brought among low income individuals.  I learned that metal illness is higher among individuals who has been forced to move out of their neighborhood rather than those who stay in their area. Based on my idea we can infer that gentrification destroys the reputation of the lower class people.  

    The only advice I can give you if you live in poverty don’t put in mind you the poorest in the world because Someone can be poorer than you. I think it’s will be better for people with low income to not compromise. Just take everything simple. When I say that I mean don’t worry about you don’t have enough money to make your living and other issues in life then like that you will have less problem and be always happy. Once you have less problem you wouldn’t have certain kind of diseases that are caused by stress or loneliness.     

      Hey guys I read an important article about how the increasing of the rent by the newcomers can harm people who don’t have enough money. The name of it is ‘’Negative Impacts of Gentrification in Brooklyn’’. Accordingly, the writer wrote a piece of argument that he found against gentrification in the article ‘’Who Hurts’’. In this article the writer finds out that the settlement of wealthy individuals in a poor area makes it to become attractive, but displacement can occur. He describes the story of a woman with low income that call Anaya. She lives in a tenement building with her parents, brother and other tenants including multiple children. However, she does not feel satisfy because she lives in a poor condition in her apartment. She said that ‘’there is a big hole in our bathroom, and hardly any heat’’. When Anaya and her family want to move to another apartment, gentrification problem hamper them to do that because it’s too costly for them. For where they want to live it’s $7000 and up. Waw, I believe that it’s difficult for them to live like that because even they see some beautiful houses, or apartments in other area, they is only able to dream about to have one but unable to have one.   

      I think the difficulty of rent that individuals with low income face can solve through cooperation. When I say cooperation, I mean that once the rich people come to settle in a poor neighborhood, they should not increase the rent in order for everybody to have access to an apartment and not pushing those who were already here out of their area.  

       In summary, changing the social or professional status of a neighborhood affect the living condition of the lower class badly.  

     On google I learned about a text that called ‘’When Gentrification is a Health Mental Issue’’ that in New York City the changing of the social norm of a neighborhood can be hazardous on health. But the only problem I have with this article is the author didnt mention in which Borough the problem he mentions occurs. Serious mental diseases like schizophrenia is more common among individuals who get displaced to their areas more than those who don’t. All of that reflect more among people who have been forced to move out because they feel that the traditions and the services of the city had gone once the newcomers transformed the area into their favors. For example, this article says, if a resident depends on his area because it provides him some good services like childcare and elderly care and sometimes people put together to form a neighborhood watch. Then, this area gets gentrified the person will feel the loss of everything. 

      I believe that transform a neighborhood social norm have a bad effect on some individual’s health. 

     Wow hey my blood, I also found an interesting article on google that talk about racism #gentrification in Washington D.C. It’s called ‘’Residents Sue Washington D.C for Racist Gentrification Practices’’. It mentions that residents sue Washington D.C because the rich white individuals that come to live in some areas in this state change the areas just to hamper the living condition of the poor African Americans who were already here. They may do that by imposing taxes, create some programs, and jobs that can be beneficial only for the higher class.  

    A lawsuit filed on April 14 claimed that former mayors Adrian Fenty and Vincent Gray found the Creative Action Agenda and the Creative Economy Strategy just to enforce discrimination. Those decree include that ‘’we are planning to alter land use in order to attract people who are of a certain age range and profession’’. Based on this quote I can conclude that if someone is not wealthy, they have some opportunities that he can’t get. Unfortunately, most of the people who are poor in Washington D.C are black, so the policy implied by the mayors was not in favor of the black community. 

    Theresa claim in the court that must of his clients complain about the rising of the housing prices and gentrification will push them out of their area. Then, she also said that the construction of new luxury building is built to attract the higher class. All of that result in the forced out of 39000 black residents in most cities from 2000 to 2010 and 50000 white residents gained black communities. 

    For this case I have the idea that if white people that come to settle in black communities created jobs and services for all kind of people everybody will be able to progress. So, residents wouldn’t going to sue the city. 

    I decide to share the impacts of gentrification with us on Instagram to make us become aware and to inform us more about how the idea of the richer keep getting richer and the poorer keep getting poorer come from. 



        Hello, my Facebook businessmen friends. How are you? How was our job?  Today I decide to share with us how the arrival of new wealthy businessmen in a small community can be harmful for small businesses. It destroys little businesses in order to be beneficial for only top businesses. To do that wealthy businessman who come to settle in poor community come to introduce better products and services to their customers. Then, the customers wouldn’t be interested in what the little businesses are selling. Then, once they can’t sell their products the businesses will fall. The only advice I can give small businessmen is beside business you should learn something else that will be easy for you to make money in case of if your area get gentrified. For example, a job like nursing, plumber, can be advantageous for people with low income. 

     I red the article ‘’How Gentrification affects Small Businesses’’ that was writing by Hertz a weeks ago. From Rachel Meltzer essay Hertz picks a statement that show how gentrification affect small businesses. First, the kind of good and services that local residents want can be change. Second, the cost of doing business can be switched to put small business down. Then after that the writer also found a data from Meltzer’s essay that prove the disappearance of lower business. A New York city data from the year of 1990 and 2011 claims that once an area gets gentrified lower businesses were replaced by another businesses. For example, bodegas getting replaced by artisanal coffee shops. However, the author claims that this kind of change is more common in gentrifying area than non-gentrifying ones.  

     I also learned a little thing from ‘’Does Gentrification Help or Harm Small Businesses’’ text. It states that big businesses owners make it impossible for small businessmen to do business when they upgraded the area.  

    I think there is a way for people that don’t have big business can overcome gentrification. To do that they should provide good services and products to their communities. For example, in a restaurant they should have good menu and delicious food. Then the cooks and the waiters should be fast on what they are doing. So, with those qualities that’s can attract many customers and this small business restaurant can grow even in the presence of gentrification.   







Reflection on Annotated Bibliography

Yasminah Carmela Jn Baptiste Raymond

My chosen genre is speech. I selected six speeches from black leaders in Haiti and in the United States. Therefore, all of those assertions reinvigorated their audiences. To do that the leaders expressed spiritual words that could urge black and white Americans , Haitians to take actions. The most interesting thing is they were courageous and strong. I describe them as strong and courageous because even most of them and their nations  faced racism, slavery, and unemployment experience those black activists tried to solve those issues instead of putting themselves down. Upon this idea a reader might feel that those speakers tried to solve the problem in their society through their hard work. In summary, the main goal of black American leaders and Haitians leaders was we can overcome racism, slavery and unemployment through cooperation.

According to the sources of my genre, they had some differences and similarities between Haitians and Americans History.

African Americans were in slavery similarly as the Haitian. However, both of them experienced racism differently. I mean that black Americans were discriminated by only white Americans because of their skin color. But, Haitians faced their prejudice of black skin color by Spanish and French. For the case of Haiti’s experience of racism, I think during that time they only had black Haitians in Haiti, the only people who were white were the Spanish and French colonizers as contrary to the United States. Another dissimilarity was those two nations didn’t release from slavery in the same  way. During the colonial period the Haitians slaves defeated their rival which was French and gain their Independence. Accordingly, For the black American even after the Emancipation proclamation to freed slavery, they were no more in slavery  but they were still not really free because in most places in their country African Americans still underwent discrimination, and sometime some of them were killed for their skin color.

From the ex president of the United States speech which was Barack Obama, a listener might believe that his biggest dream was to remaking America a bigger country through cooperation.

I’m eager to do some research about the difference and similarity between black and white Americans culture. I also want to know how the African American became really free during the twentieth century.

Accordingly, I know that today Haiti is an undeveloped country and most Haitians politicians betray their nation to become rich. Sometime I asked myself if president Jean Jacques Dessalines and the slaves didn’t put together to make Haiti an independent country who else is going to achieve that?

Most Americans love their country. I want to know if United States was poorer than Haiti do most politicians would betray their country to become rich or not? I ask myself this question because in a developed country the government control the finance as contrary to undeveloped country.

My genre can be useful for a reader who want to know more about History of Haiti and the United States.


Personal Experience essay

Student: Yasminah Carmela Jn Baptiste Raymond            

Professor: Ms. Jewell                                                                                                                                                  Course   : English 1101                                                           

Date      : 09/10/2019          


  Direction: Write an essay about your personal experience.  


           My name is Yasminah. I’m from Haiti. In my country they speak French and Creole. Therefore, when I first started high school in the United States in New York City, English was the hardest subject for me. The reason was because I wasn’t an Anglo. Unfortunately, I didn’t know what to do to speak this language fluently. As a result of when I introduced myself in my ESL class I used English that come from outside. In contrary, I remained speechless in order courses. I remember that while I was in the street I heard a man said ‘’you buy gun’’ and a lady said’’in the store’’. So, when I presented myself in the ESL class I made a sentence with those words. I said louder in my presentation you buy gun in the store. As consequence, everybody laughed at me and I felt ashamed. Finally, when the class was over the teacher showed me in my own language the meaning of my sentence on google translate. Thus, this made me more desperate than before, In addition, during the lunch time some of my classmates bothered me for my wrongdoing. I felt embarrassed. Instead focusing on shame I turned it into guilt. One day, I asked my older brother what to do to speak structured English. He told me studying grammar, vocabulary, and reading newspaper will help me. Then I followed his advice. Consequently, after one month I made progress in English. When talked in class everbody understood me. Tp sum up, I faced a lot of adversity to understand English. 

Literary Narrative Essay

Yasminah Carmela Jn Baptiste Raymond 

Profesor: Ms. Jewell 

Date      : 09/17/2019 

  Direction: Write a literary essay that talk about your writing and reading experience

        Learning to read and write in whatever language is crucial. However, I considered it as a basic skill in school education. When I was in first grade, I applied myself to be able to write and read in French. As a result of I became aware about what I read in books, and whatever sources in that language. To sum up, based on my writing I was able to enhance my reading comprehension.  

        Therefore, my native language is Creole.  However, I made a great stride to be able to write in French. When I was in kindergarden, I didn’t acquire any knowledge of it. Even the alphabet seemed unfamiliar to me. I became fascinated with writing in French when I was in first grade. The reason was because I saw my cousin creating foreign words with beautiful handwriting. So, I imitated him. I sought assistance from my French teacher. When he taught me French he first began to show me how to do the letters of alphabet. I remember my right hand trembling with holding it to help me did the letters. I also remember that I cried when I didn’t know how to do capital Y. However, as an eight years old girl I experienced resistance. Even it was difficult for me to write, I kept doing it until I could make words with the letters. In summary, my love for writing helped me go farther. 

       According to my own experience in reading in first grade, it was a little bit burdensome for me to read in French. The cause of that was while I learned to write I sometime combined letters to make words with them. As a result of when I was reading a book I was familiar with some words. But, sometime I didn’t understand what I red.  

      Unfortunately, words like basketball, and volleyball were strenuous for me to pronounce they were words that French borrowed from English. I knew they came from English because my French instructor told me that. To solve this issue I  asked my nephew to teach me how to articulate them. Then, while he taught me how to utter them I had some difficulty to say them correctly. However, after many practices I was able to pronounce them perfectly.  

     All in all, the reflection of my writing upon my reading made me to understand French. In my own experience, I made a lot of efforts to to be able to write and read in French. Moreover, my curiosity made me knew to items. Firstly, after those two experiences I learned that writing is related to reading. Secondly, after I crossed the boundary from learning to write to learning to read I discovered that some terms in French derived from English.