Annotated Bibliography Reflection – Will Miller

 In Renaissance poetry, the authors use early modern english throughout their poems that is in accordance to their time period so some words we still use but some are obsolete. Also the authors use  figurative language in order to express to the audience their personal beliefs about love and relationships but do so in a subtle way. Furthermore the authors also use setting/context so that the reader can have a better understanding of where the text is taking place. Last the author’s rhyme their words in order to create the type of poetry. What I learned about renaissance poetry while analyzing it was that, one all most all the writers were men, second a lot of the poems talked about women and describing them and comparing them using simile, third the authors used a lot of figurative language in their poems. I still want to learn about the female poets at this time period and what they wrote their poems about. I wanna learn  why most of the poetry written by men during that time was directed towards women and why it was sometimes in a sexual manner. I also want to learn more about the background of the poets I used as examples to get a better sense of their identity and to figure out why they write about the things they write about. As a writer some things I learned about myself was that I am good at finding and identifying different types of figurative language in my text that I am reading. I found out that I actually enjoy reading poetry and trying to understand what the author is trying to get across to his/her audience. I learned that I struggle as a writer to begin my statements and struggle to get started. I also struggled with staying on topic and not repeating my words/ ideas. Some ways I wish to continue to grow as a writer is to not give up when I’m not sure what to say or start with, and to also work on my grammar so that whoever reads my work can better understand what I am saying. In order to improve on these things I need to practice handwriting and not having the computer fix my mistake for me so I can learn to fix it myself. I can also practice using sentence starters and practice making claims for my arguments. Lastly I want to be able to not give up so in order to help fix this I can take 5 min breaks if needed in order to take a second to look at what I wrote and read it over to myself.

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