Personal Narrative

My personal experience with reading and writing came from when I used to live in Maryland. I lived there for well over half my life and was also born there but for some reason for the first 5 years of my education I was placed in special classes for children who didn’t know how to speak English. My parents had always questioned why I was placed in those specific classes given the fact that I knew how to speak English. Honestly being in those classes changed my view on education because the work was so much easier than what was really expected of other kids in regular classes. When going into middle school I was placed in regular classes but since the workload and curriculum was so different from what I had been given, I ended up struggling and having to repeat the same grade the following year. From that point on the educational experience just kept getting harder and harder. As time went on I honestly felt like I was learning nothing but the bare minimum because my grades reflected that passing everything with 65-70%. Then 8th grade came and here I am sitting with a group of kids that weren’t gonna graduate in June, just the feeling of t being able to walk across the stage with my friends made me want to try harder and to see if I could actually accomplish what I wanted. Went through summer school moved onto high school and here comes the first few weeks I feel like I got the hang of things but as time goes on it comes back to me and what mean by that was the feeling of drowning in my work and all the stress was coming right back and I honestly didn’t know what to do I actually stopped going to school mid way through high school and was planning on dropping out because I was so far behind. Over the course of me not attending school my principle came to visit me with the intention of trying to get me to come back to school which eventually worked. When I came back I was receiving additional help in all my classes which obviously helped me a lot but also made me realize that I could actually do it on my own I just needed some support, the last year of high school, I had completed so much by the first half of the year that I only had two classes where I actually had to do work in order to graduate, which was very surprising for everyone given the fact that they knew I had tried to drop out and now a major come back. So I guess in a sense that reveals something good about my personal experience and also the educational system, which would be that you can accomplish whatever you want and with the right support in this case the educational support that I was getting helped me accomplish something that I honestly didn’t believe I was gonna do.

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