my personal narrative


a kid having a learning disability like dyslexia can definitely be a factor in how ur educational experience turns out. As a 6th grader coming into my first year of middle school I wasn’t sure what to expect, I walked into my first class (english) and everything seemed fine until we got an assignment where we had to read this book and write a short essay response. while other kids finished around me I was still struggling to read and understand the book so eventually I gave up on reading and the writing and just sat there till the class was over. This kept happening and it wasn’t just in this class but every class that involved any kind of reading and or writing. This frustrated me to no end, it got to the point where I would start finding excuses not to be in the class room and then when that wouldn’t work I would just put my head down and waited for the class to be over. my personal experience is a pretty common one but not much is being done about it. I know that this might not seem like that big of a deal, people would always tell me things like “you need to study more” or “sit in the front so you pay attention” and “this shouldn’t be this hard for you”, all of the things that my teachers and parents would say to me made me feel like I wasn’t capable of doing things that I shouldn’t have any problem with doing and that it was my fault that I was like this. This lead to me ultimately stop trying at school in every way I could. I stoped doing my homework, would come to school and class late or not come at all, if something was hard I would give up instantly, and I stoped raising my hand because I didn’t want to get the answer wrong. As I got older things kept getting worse I was failing classes, going to summer school, and getting into trouble at school. because of all of this education wasn’t my main priority I put it aside for things I found more important such as sports and video games. however, now things are a lot different but my past experience still stays with me to this day. its hard for me to come in and participate in class because I don’t wanna say the wrong thing when called on or I really don’t wanna read to the class out loud because I don’t wanna sound dumb and get stuck on a word. When it comes to assignments like reading a passage or writing if its hard I tend to give up early or just do the minimum for the work. this has impacted my education so much because I wasted so much time not going to school and falling further and further behind feeling sorry for myself and thinking that I couldn’t do anything good in school. In the future though What I think should be done and what can be done in the for kids with learning disabilities is to not treat them like they are dumb but to give them extra help if needed and try and understand them and not get frustrated when they cant do something others can do.


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