Personal Experience

Jevon Williams.

ENG 1101

Throughout my early education, my literacy classes always had inspired me. Learning to read was easy for me because of the quality of teaching I had over me as well as a lot of help from home with my parents and younger sibling. I believe reading is one of the most important aspects of education. Reading and writing are related in many ways. And, though teachers can take advantage of these relationships in ways that can improve achievement, doing that would be very difficult and inefficient when taught separately It is the foundation for all other knowledge to be absorbed. To me, the first step to a successful education and life is learning to read. After that goal is accomplished, finding a way to really enjoy reading is another important factor in education.

The first time I realized how interesting writing was in the 4th grade. My teacher, every marking period, would make us choose a book to read from the class’s reading book shelf. At the end of the marking period, we would have to write about it and a creative story to go along with it. To me, this wasn’t your everyday school activity. It was a time to be completely creative and find a voice within the classroom. Finally, I was able to stand out on my own ideas amongst the other monotone lessons. Writing isn’t like other subjects. Research shows that reading and writing are closely aligned. That is, reading and writing depend upon many of the same skills, strategies, and knowledge — though those are deployed in different ways in reading and writing. In fact, about 70% of the variation in reading and writing abilities are shared.

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