Class Schedule

Daily schedule is subject to change based on needs and speed of the class. Please check your email and our course site regularly for updates. Texts will be discussed in class on the date they appear below (you should read and annotate the texts *before* the dates they appear alongside!). Homework will be assigned in class.

W 8/28 Course Introduction.

Unit 1

M 9/2 No Classes Scheduled.

W 9/4 Gloria AnzaldĂșa, “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”.

Th 9/5 Classes follow Monday Schedule.
Tan, “Mother Tongue”
Due: annotation on “Mother Tongue” (see Unit 1 Assignments sheet)

HW: By next class, submit reading response to “Only Daughter” or “Learning to Read” on Open Lab”; Cell Phone policy paragraph due next class.

M 9/9 Sandra Cisneros, “Only Daughter” and Malcolm X, “Learning to Read”; Mike Bunn, “How To Read Like a Writer”

W 9/11 Due: Personal anecdote assignment.
James Baldwin, “If Black English Isn’t a Language, Then Tell Me What Is?”

M 9/16 Peer Review literacy narratives
Richard Straub, “Responding – Really Responding – to Other Students’ Writing”

W 9/18 Literacy Narratives due in class.
Joan Didion, “On Keeping a Notebook”
In class: group work/preparation for group presentations

M 9/23 Group presentations of literacy narratives in class

Unit 2

W 9/25 Audre Lorde, “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle The Master’s House”

M 9/30 No Classes Scheduled.

W 10/2 Kerry Dirk, “Navigating Genres”

PLEASE CHECK THE “REVISED SCHEDULE” POST on our Hope Page for updated schedule and assignments