Reflection 2

Ever since I was a little girl I enjoyed creating art as well as looking at it. I had the privilege of visiting so many art museums and galleries growing up that it really inspired my creativity. When I was in school one of the classes that I always looked forward to was my art classes which sadly was only once a week. I was the girl who always carried my sketchbook in my bag as well as colorful pens and markers even though I only doodled it was one thing that really helped me clear my mind and think.

When I was applying to colleges I thought, what the hell am I going to do with art as a career but I still applied to FIT which didn’t work out for me. When I was choosing a major I decided that I should probably go into the medical field because you can never go wrong with that. But, I still had art on my mind so when it came time to choosing my classes I chose one math class, one science class, and two graphic design classes. I remember sitting in those science classes and dreading every second of them, I couldn’t wait to go to my design classes!

One of the classes that really made me choose to stay in the design field was my Typography 1 class which was given by Professor Masi. He taught me everything I know on InDesign and made me really fall in love with Typography. I remember how passionate he was when explaining the history as well as the letter forms in Typography, and thinking what a weirdo theyre just letters that’s not design. We worked with everything from font pairing for text as well as working with letterforms for design. He introduced us to the modern as well as the history of design which ended up inspiring all my designs in the past two years.

Im a very visual person so I would have to say my strong suit is creating layouts and placement of type and images on a page. Over the past few semesters Ive had some professors who really were able to train my eyes to see things in a certain way and notice when things don’t look right, which now comes naturally to me. I would also have to say that Typography would have to be another strong suit of mine.  I love working with letterforms as well as font pairing. But, overtime I really pushed myself to become who I am as a designer today.

In the future I think I would want a full time job in the field. I don’t think I would be able to freelance without having a steady income. This summer I had a great opportunity to work at a packaging design firm which was fun but still stressful. I realized that I was able to handle everything they threw at me and didn’t feel pressured when I was given a bunch of things to work on. It was a great experience but I also want to be able to test the waters and maybe do something with branding or working with typography somehow.