A typical day at my internship is always filled with constantly learning new things as well as trying to fit in with the flow of the workplace. Im given an access key card to enter our office, where I walk in and punch in my Employee ID to clock in. When you walk in everyone is very welcoming every morning saying hello to one another sometimes talking about their transit difficulties or discussing something they saw relating to what we do.
I get to my desk and I am usually given things from the people who are in charge that need things done for a specific project. Sometimes they need things to be mocked up (dielines) which is taking what the designers created and building the actual panels on the computer to the correct size as well as properly placing the patterns they created so they can be printed and mocked up by the production people.
Other times they need thing to be posted for the factories where we create these mockup files explaining who the product is for, what season, the dimensions, the materials, and we basically show how the product is to be constructed and what kind of packaging will be needed. We work with so many factories but they all have their specialties so depending on what kind of product is going to be built or what materials we are using we send it to that one.
Other times Im just working on the packaging for the products we’ve done such as a sticker or a tag an OPP bag with a header etc. Every company we work with has a specific theme that we need to follow with a specific typeface and the barcodes so all these take time and need to be approved before they are produced.
Sometimes when its really busy but I did all my jobs and we are just waiting on production to build everything perfectly I go to the production room and help with that part but that’s only before a big meeting where we gave them so much items to mockup at once that they would need the help.
As for the learning part im honestly always learning new things. The designers that work with me are always very helpful at showing me new things that has actually helped with some of my design work to make the process easier and efficient. They showed me some quick commands that come in handy a lot of the times. They also showed me different materials that they work with and what goes together and what doesnt and lately theyve been doing this thing called hot stamp where the letters appear metalic looking but this doesnt always work on all material so they are done some other way with glitter or something. They also showed me some great tips on photoshop that help make our mockup work easier.