After sending my assignment to Jennifer, She assigned me for another one which was creating a Christmas eve Instagram post. Once she assigned me that assignment, i went straight to coming up with ideas for a Christmas Instagram post. I went on google to give me some inspiration on what i want to create. I was seeing a lot of Christmas trees and Christmas decoration like different colors Christmas ornaments. I even had to look up some Christmas color palette to help me get started on sketching out some Christmas. After doing some research, I started to make a few thumbnails.
I ended up just choosing the candy cane background. I started to design using my candy cane thumbnails. I was able to find a quick and small youtube tutorial on how to make a christmas tree. All i did was change the color of the ornaments to the brand color. Once i send my final work of the instagram to Jennifer, she liked it but she want to make a small change on it
Once i send my final work of the instagram to Jennifer, she liked it but she want to make a small change on it which i did the small change she was requesting