Category Archives: Uncategorized

Journal Entry: Matope, Remy’s Progress II

Done before class: First to third person camera animation, PageUp (and vice versa, PageDown) Movement controls, W, A, S, D, Space (forward, left, backward, right, jump) Added a “cone of focus” for NPC interaction. This cone is stuck to the … Continue reading

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(Project-KOI) Sounds for the Game

Sound files for the King of Israel game: No. Filename Length Type Size 1 bgm.wav 67 sec Background music 12 MB 2 sheep1.wav 1 sec When sheep is clicked 12 KB 3 sheep2.wav 3 sec When player gets sheep 37 … Continue reading

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(Project-KOI) Game flow/walk through

Game flow/walk through increase the size of the pen when he comes out of hut shrubs blocking entire doorway which he has to clear through prompts/instructions instructions comes up, go check on your sheep all goals will be in gold … Continue reading

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(Project-KOI) Character abilities

Character Abilities stomp of shaft (all sheeps stop) make temple for praying bear swipe wolf launch to attack blood for attack die scene find sheep and bring it to the rest area and on boat bar for point & life … Continue reading

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Project Update

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Journal Entry: Project Status

So I haven’t done this in a while but since the project was proposed, I’ve made alot of headway in my job as the animator and modeler. Here’s the rundown:   Basic enemies have walk and attack animations. This goes … Continue reading

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Return of the Jedi / EA

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Journal Entry: Matope, Remy’s Progress

Done before last class:      First to third person camera animation, PageUp (and vice versa, PageDown)      Movement controls, W, A, S, D, Space (forward, left, backward, right, jump) Done for last class:      Added a “cone … Continue reading

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Journey Entry: Matope – Work that Justin Did!

Here is a list of things that I was given by Gabby (who is a great leader btw) to do. Base Character Model (minus eyes, textures, and materials) Base Character Model WITH EYES (note: cancels out the previous one) Character … Continue reading

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Final Project Status update

As of Friday the third of May, I have designed the world and am currently populating it with simple trees and bushes. I like many other found a simple tree and bushes that I can just reuse to create my … Continue reading

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