Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dimple’s Inspiration

I look myself up to Jonathan Blow, an independent game designer and programmer. I have always wanted to be a computer programmer, whether it is for mobile applications, gaming, or even web applications. Ever since I owned a PS3, the more … Continue reading

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My Inspiration

My Inspiration for doing 3D Modeling is this man, Neville Page. I first was introduced to him when I watched him on the show Face/Off (Which is a great show by the way for anyone looking for some creative ideas). … Continue reading

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One of my inspirations: Hironobu Sakaguchi

Video games have been my passion since my kid days and up to present-day, my love for them grew stronger. A lot of games have captured my attention but there was one game that made hearts of my eyes that … Continue reading

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Tomas Jech, the animator

I always have a dream to become an animator. I love watching movies that show great animation skill. Tomas Jech is one of the professional senior animator who is currently working at Riot game on League Of Legends, which is … Continue reading

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I want to be like…

Growing up, I was always the only female at every event I’ve joined. Whether it was sports, gaming events, or even hanging out with friends. I was the only female to ever be noticed as a “Cool guy with long … Continue reading

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Blender Tutorials

This is link for Blender Tutorials:

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Proof of work

Since everyone seems to be doing screen shots

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Codecademy Python and Blender

Here is my evidence that I completed your tasks. Enjoy!

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Code Academy Badges & Blender Model

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Suly’s Intro

CodeAcademy: JadeH00D GitHub: SParedes9 My name is Suly and I am one of the few females in the world who actually is interested in not only Video Game playing, but also Video Game developing. I also would like to create my … Continue reading

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