OCZ’s NIA – Gaming with the mind (Neural Impulse Actuator)

OCZ developed a peripheral deviceĀ to be used in conjunction with your mouse using actuators. It appears to work similer to the emotives; however this can also be used with high speed gaming (shooter, role play, virtual worlds, racing). Unfortently the product has sinced been killed.




The Neural Impulse Actuator (NIA) is a brainā€“computer interface (BCI) device developed by OCZ Technology. BCI devices attempt to move away from the classic input devices like keyboard and mouse and instead read electrical activity from the head, preferably the EEG. The name Neural Impulse Actuator implies that the signals originate from some neuronal activity; however, what is actually captured is a mixture of muscle, skin and nerve activity including sympathetic and parasympathetic components that have to be summarized as biopotentials rather than pure neural signals. As of May 27, 2011, the OCZ website says that the NIA is no longer being manufactured and has been end-of-lifed.

On June 1, 2012 a post was made on the official forums, asking about the NIAs future,[2] the reply being, “It [the NIA] was spun out into a different company as a side-effect of OCZ’s IPO and that company is BCInet


OCZ OCZMSNIA Neural Impulse Actuator


For sale @ http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826100006

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