Journal Entry 5: Controllers

So for this weeks’ journal entry, I’m talking controllers; Things that check if conditions are true or false and allow actuators to execute or not. Once again, I’ll be using the Oculus Rift for this post; but who doesn’t like talking about the Oculus Rift?!

Anyway, I’m afraid I don’t have much to show since the Rift is still in production and they don’t want anyone stealing their stuff. What I do know is that their SDK(which is unavailable) will allow the Rift to be used in several different kinds of hardware  and software which include PCs(obviously), smartphones and consoles eventually. I’m actually interested as to how they will incorporate smartphones with the Rift but nothing yet on that front. Going back though on the SDK, Epic Games and Unity Technologies have announced that they will integrate support for the Rift on their engines so I figure whenever this gets released that it will be quite the storm.

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5 Responses to Journal Entry 5: Controllers

  1. ianhdesigns says:

    please forgive my ignorance but what is Rift?

  2. marc says:

    I still want this….Take my money

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