Journal Entry Week 3: Do more with smartphones and put it in daily living.

a device that’s used by a lot of people is the smart phone, I like it because it’s a mobile computer now and it’s as fast as its desktop and laptop computer counterparts half a decade ago. I feel phones are under utilized and their capabilities are not being taken advantage of. At the moment, computers a decade ago have done more than smartphones now. I want to take advantage of the mobility and the power of the smart phones and see them do more inventive things such as the predecessor (computer). I would like to see a new device to device wireless communications such as making a smart phone simply talk to projector or refrigerator or stove, and toilet. I would want to make it a device that integrates into our daily lives to the max. But i sort of think that to do that i would actually need to re-reinvent the toilet and refrigerator and stove so maybe i would think of developing those household appliance/necessity.

One thing i saw that strikes me was which looks awesome, i would love for this to be more developed or even develop it more my self.

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