Meeting Info

  • Zoom
  • Wednesday, July 10 at 10 AM
  • We encourage everyone to have their cameras turned on


  • Teams Present Progress
  • What additional information is needed? What questions need answering?
  • Disucss Next Steps
  • PHASE 2: Develop Strategies to Solve the Problem and an Implementation Plan (4-5 weeks)


  • Team present progress and summarize overall objective of projects
  • Next Steps (Due Friday 7/12)
    • Teams define:
      • project timeline with key milestones to complete project by deadline.
      • subdivision of tasks
      • who will be responsible
  • Discussion:
    • Information, Data, and Information Design
    • Video 3: Electronic Computing: Crash Course Computer Science #2
    • Video 4: Boolean Logic & Logic Gates: Crash Course Computer Science #3

To-Do For Next Meeting

  1. Meet with your groups:
  • Submit Next Steps by Friday 7/12 (see above)
  • PHASE 2: Develop Strategies to Solve the Problem and an Implementation Plan
    • Identify 3-5 goals that you need to complete in order to achieve the project objective
    • List the goals that you need to complete and how do you expect to complete those goals. (This is about the HOW to do it)

2. Read: Meirelles, Isabel. Design for Information : An Introduction to the Histories, Theories, and Best Practices Behind Effective Information Visualizations, Quarto Publishing Group USA, 2013. Chaperter 2 + 3

3. WatchElectronic Computing: Crash Course Computer Science #

  • Video 5: Representing Numbers and Letters with Binary: Crash Course Computer Science #4
  • Video 6 How Computers Calculate – the ALU: Crash Course Computer Science #5

4. Week 4 Journal Entry: Create a Post using the Category: Journal.

  • Write a brief reflection on the readings/media
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