About Me

I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I’m 21 years old currently majoring in communications design and a sophomore. Coming into this college I didn’t know what I wanted to do which caused me to stay in liberal arts for two years before making a big impactful decision which decides my future. What led me into choosing this major was the memories from my high school where I could take an elective in graphics designing. During my time taking graphics design in high school, I could learn how to read many html formats as well as creating my own gif, and even created my own website which was called “Fliers Respect.” I got to understand the deeper meaning of the adobe platforms as well as being able to take tests on each adobe platform and became certified in each. (Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign) That is what ultimately led me into the field of communications design. What I feel like I can provide in this community is to help people break out of their shell and have great confidence within themselves. There are a lot of talented people within this major, but they’re too shy to explain their creative pieces due to their nervousness. I feel like I can help because I’m an individual who gets nervous when talking to a group of people, however I learned how to get out of that fear and it allowed me to gain a confidence boost I never knew existed inside of me. I have no idea of what I want to do from this major but, things that really interest me are animation, web, and gaming designs, because as much as I love sports gaming always has my heart, I love watching wrestling, so I feel like this field can allow me to get more creative and even help me on editing videos. “You’re no one until you’re talked about.”

As of now I am 24 and have finished of all my COMD courses with gaining a bigger interest in Motion Graphics and extremely curious to see what the future holds.