Val teytelman

I have just recently returned back to school after a long stint working as a line cook/ bartender in the fine dining industry.  I was living in new Orleans and then in Oakland, California at the time but did not feel like my strengths were being used effectively. Also, working back of the house was incredibly physically demanding and i did not feel that this was a lasting career choice.  Before i went into fine dining, shortly after High school,  i was running a successful bed and breakfast in Nolita. I was very much into interior design at the time and used that creative desire to design differently themed rooms in a bohemian  place of oddities and art.  I gave it all up for the freedom of the road because i wanted to get out of new York.  I was also an anthropology major who has changed their major multiple times but still hope to remain in academia long enough to get a master’s in gender and sexuality.  I am not currently priveleged enough to have this as more than a dream in my minds eye.  I have a plethora of business/ entrepreneurial ideas that i beleive would be successful but i have taken so much time off to peruse the world that i let my resume and qualifications get the best of me.  Im starting from scratch for the 5th time, jaded and quickly aging.. with my resources becoming more limited by the minute, seemingly.

Im looking to meet industry professionals that i could connect with on an ethical and spiritual level, because nobody can do anything without a team.