Brooklyn Bridge Park Reflection: Ecotourism

Group: Enrique, Lin, Sarah

Ecotourism Tourism focuses on preserving the natural environment of a location, while improving the economy of the locals. People who travel for this reason tend to stay away from impacting the location heavily and bring a positive atmosphere to the host (which goes vise versa.) An example of ecotourism include visiting underdeveloped countries or the habitats of endangered  species.  During out trip to Dumbo, we discussed how when developing the Brooklyn Bridge Park, those who constructed it used natural resources such as concrete for the big stairs which people use to sit on and view the Manhattan skyline. But it’s not so much the activities in the park that connect towards ecotourism, but how they improved the condition Dumbo was once in. That area was once all industry land with factories and landfill, but since the reconstruction it’s become more enjoyable for visitors to sit and relax in the greenery.  The area is definitely peaceful and ascetically pleasing since they’ve added trees, chairs and tables, and even placing the rocks by the water for people to sit and watch the skyline and boats pass by.

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