Melaya Vaz-Paddyfoote

Hello everyone, I am Melaya Vaz-Paddyfoote one of your fellow students here to learn about hospitality management. Growing up I have always been unsure on what to do in life at first I thought I wanted to be a Marine Biologist because I have a passion for animals but when I went to SUNY Maritime I realized this will be a lot of studying for me potentially not becoming a scientist. So I waned to do another passion of mines which is food, cooking, and servicing people with my own food truck or cafe. Completing the hospitality courses here at City Tech shall help me achieve that goal and so fare I really enjoy the classes here not too much work so I know I can at least pass with a high B or even Ace the class. I don’t have much experience in customer service the most experience I got was an unpaid internship at Brooklyn Aquarium where I set up learning stations or a touch tank and teach kids about NYC ocean life. I hope being in this branch of studying I’ll be accepted in to the Paris or Disney internship to build my people and working skills. I hope my generosity and determination will be acknowledged as strengths to always get my work done in and on time. I always push myself to complete my work no matter what.

1 thought on “Melaya Vaz-Paddyfoote

  1. Prof. Karen Goodlad

    Place-based learning with the Walt Disney Company and the Paris study abroad are two fabulous ways to build knowledge, gain confidence and develop a network. Make sure to get some work and volunteer experience before you apply and then soak up all there is to learn.


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