- Blocks of code{}
- Variables should be lower case!
- r = constrain(r, 0, 255); –> check the Processing reference!
- Check to see if the mouse is within the boundaries of a box
- Check for a mousePress — Download the example here
- If both of these things are true, toggle a boolean variable between true and false
- Move this to void mousePressed to leave a switch turned on — Download the example here
- button = !button; (If the boolean button is true, make it false. If the boolean button is false, make it true)
- int state;
- State increases every time the mouse is pressed –> state = state + 1;
- We don’t want to state to increase forever though!
- Test the size of state and if it gets larger than the number of states, set the state back to 0
- Test for different states in your draw loop
- Download the state example here
- The bouncing ball sketch taught us that an object moves by altering its location according to speed.
- location = location + speed;
- speed = speed + gravity;
- “dampening” effect –> reverse the speed by multiplying by .95 instead of one. This slows down the square each time it hits the floor, simulating real-world physics.
- Download the gravity example here