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homework week 2 1.1

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Homework 2.1 Reno Abraham

Part 2 part 3

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HW 2.1 part 2 and 3

Openprocessing doesn’t want to upload my work for so here are the screen shots of them //fix the 15 errors void setup(){ size(200,200); } void draw(){ background(0); fill(255,255); ellipse(100,100,100,100); line(100,100,150,150); rect(mouseX, mouseY, 50,50); } Here is the code for part … Continue reading

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Alyssa Seosankar – Prof. Higgins – HW 1.2 Part 3 – Due 02/05/13

//Alyssa Seosankar – Prof. Higgins – HW 1.2 Part 3 – Due 02/05/13 //Setting the window size size(500, 400); //Setting background color background(0, 0, 0); //Drawing head of creeper fill(0, 0, 0); stroke(249, 255, 9); strokeWeight(8); ellipse(390, 400, 200, 200); … Continue reading

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Alyssa Seosankar – Prof. Higgins – HW 1.2 Part 2 – Due 02/05/13

//Alyssa Seosankar – Prof. Higgins – HW 1.2 Part 2 – Due 02/05/13 //Setting the window size with no borders size(400, 400); noStroke(); //Drawing and filling 1st rectangle in top left corner fill(255, 0, 0); rect(0, 0, 200, 200); //Drawing … Continue reading

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Professor Higgins I figured out what was wrong with the code. Here’s the corrected version. /*Nafis Sabir Professor Calli Higgins HW 1.2.3*/ void setup() { size(800, 800);//window size } void draw() { background(0, 150, 255);//background color smooth();//pixel smoothing strokeWeight(9);//weight for … Continue reading

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Homework 2.1 Press one of these letters for it to work B G P R T Y Z

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Homework 2.1

//Terrance Shields – Prof. Calli Higgins – HW 2.1 – 2/5/13 //fix the 15 errors void setup() { // 1.() needed to be after setup and 2.removed the space between set and up size(200,200); // 3.changed period to a coma … Continue reading

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Nafis Sabir HW 1.3.1

size(800,800); background(0,150,255); fill(0,0,255); strokeWeight(2); stroke(2); arc(200, 200, 200, 200, 0, PI+QUARTER_PI, PIE); strokeWeight(9); stroke(10,200,0); line(200, 303, 200, 700); size(800,800); fill(146,0,206); strokeWeight(2); stroke(2); arc(380, 300, 200, 200, 0, PI+QUARTER_PI, PIE); strokeWeight(9); stroke(10,200,0); line(380, 403, 380, 700); size(800,800); fill(255,0,255); strokeWeight(2); stroke(2); arc(560, … Continue reading

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Noah Ruede – HW 1.2

Part 2 //Noah Ruede Calli Higgins Feb 5 2013 //Establishing size of image size(400,400); //Eliminating stroke noStroke(); //Rectangle 1 Color fill(255,0,0); //Rectangle 1 Size/Position rect(0,0,200,200); //Rectangle 2 Color fill(0,255,0); //Rectangle 2 Size/Position rect(200,0,200,200); //Rectangle 3 Color fill(0,0,255); //Rectangle 3 Size/Position … Continue reading

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