Matthew Soto HW: 1.2 Part 3

background(0, 159, 255);//sky, light blue
fill(170, 0, 0);//House, fill in color
rect(32, 50, 55, 55);//Shape and positon of the house
stroke(205, 209, 4);//stroke color of the sun, dark yellow
fill(250, 255, 0);//Color of the sun, yellow
ellipse(15, 20, 25, 25);//Shape and position of the sun
stroke(0);//stroke of the roof
fill(129, 29, 29);//Color of the chimney
rect(37, 20, 10, 30);//shape and postion of the chimney,
fill(75, 75, 75);//color of the top part of chimney
triangle(30, 50, 60, 20, 90, 50);//shape and position of the roof
fill(222, 222, 222);//color of the left window
rect(35, 55, 15, 15);//Shape and position of the left window
fill(222, 222, 222);//color of the right window
rect(70, 55, 15, 15);//shape and postion of the right window
fill(106, 70, 41);//color of the door
rect(55, 80, 10, 50);//shape and position of the door
fill(49, 49, 49);//color of the upper part of the chimney
rect(31, 18, 20, 10);//shape and position of the upper part of the chimney

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