Author Archives: Shaad Hasan Choudhury

Introduction: Shaad H Choudhury

In a restaurant, waiting for food

My name is Shaad H. Choudhury. I was born in Bangladesh. When I was 14, I moved to New York with my parents and my younger sister. After my high school graduation, I went to California for college where I studied a year in Computer Science. This year, I came back to New York and decided to continue studying at NYCCT. I chose this major because I want to pursue a career in Law Enforcement. As we develop more technology, criminals use this technology to steal information and hurt people. This is where I got my motivation to focus in Cyber-Security. Statistics is very important for this major, especially for data mining and machine learning. Statistical methods are used to randomize algorithms in Computer Science. To develop and understand an algorithm, knowledge of Statistics is important.