Author Archives: christina_i

Assignment #2


This graph was created in July 2014. This graph is showing that as of July 2014, Asia is leading the world for installed wind capacity by region.

How math relates to my future career By: christina iacono

In the next couple of years, I plan to have my associates and certification in Dental Hygiene. I am currently taking my pre-requisites and plan to be in the program by September 2016. Math is used everyday and is a huge part of dental hygiene. The most common type of math used are basic calculations. For example: A Dental Hygienist takes x-rays in a persons mouth of their teeth. Each x-ray has a certain price, as does a cleaning; which a dental hygienist also performs. In this case, you would need basic addition to find out how much each patient owes for that specific visit. This is a mathematical situation that a Dental Hygienist would deal with daily.