Hi! And welcome to our first day of class!

Day One HW: 

First,  join our Perusall site This is very important, as, after today, this is where you’ll be submitting all of your writing!  Basically, you just need to go to Perusall.com using this link:  https://app.perusall.com/join/hall-jw42d If you still have questions, this page has more info 

You may be asked to provide our course code. It is: HALL-JW42D

Second, re-watch “(un)Learning my Name” by Mohamed Hassan 

Third, click “comments” above, and in your comment, introduce yourself to us and your name.

You can do this however you want– you can write a poem, a brief story, or just a conversational paragraph . You can even add a link to a video. Or record an audio file and link to it. Or draw something and upload the image. Whatever you want. Remember: we’re all about composing in the 21st century, so feel free to do what you think would be interesting for us to see/hear/learn about. You can use the work you did in class as a starting point.




  1. Jazmine Souvenir

    Hi my name is Jazmine Souvenir. I’m a junior and I’m majoring in Hospitality Management. My dream career is to become a restauranteur. A chef who owns their own restaurant. Currently I’m working as a barista in a cafe . Balancing work & school can be hard but I’m always up for a challenge. When I chose to take this creative writing class I hope to improve my writing skills and communicating skills. My hobby would be cooking and cleaning. As well as trying out new restaurants. Also I enjoy writing self reflections and doing self care things. I don’t know much about my name but my father named me after a flower.

  2. Ciera

    Hello! My Name is Ciera. I’m a freshman and my major is Mechanical Engineering! My favorite things to do are write, Read, Sing, and play video games! I’m also an animal enthusiast! If you guys ever have questions about animals or want to learn more I don’t mind answering such questions! Writing for me has always been a safe space, especially when stressed! I remember writing little stories in fifth grade, so this is where everything started! As for my name even though it is common, My personality and hobbies make up for it in uniqueness!

  3. Gustavo Madrigal

    Hello, I am Gustavo Madrigal. I am a Senior and my current major is Architectural Technology BTECH. I aspire to be an architect shortly after going to graduate school. I wrote this poem during my time in class about my name.

    People use it more than I do. But I own it, Gustavo. I’m neither the first nor last to be named, Gustavo. It was my grandfather’s name and now I carry it. I’m sure his father’s Father once had, Gustavo. As I am sure I won’t be the last. But what will remain is our name, Gustavo

  4. Jeremy Perricone

    Hi! My name is Jeremy, and I’m a freshman majoring in Entertainment Technology. I love theatre have experience in all aspects of it, from acting to scriptwriting to technical theatre. Other than that, my favorite things to do are listening to music, playing video games, and reading. I also play Dungeons & Dragons a lot, to the point where I can pretty much recite the entire Player’s Handbook. I’ve been writing short stories for years, and I’m taking this class to help improve my writing and take it to the next level. Particularly to improve my descriptive writing, since I write a lot of fantasy/sci-fi and it can be hard to make fictional concepts make sense to a reader.

  5. evan

    Hello! My name is Evan Vazquez and i’m a Sophomore that majors in Communication Design. Some hobbies I have are playing video games, drawing, cooking and sleeping.   Since drawing from a young age, art has stuck with me through all my life and I want to make a career out of it whether as a freelancer artist or working with a company. As for my name, it’s a popular Welsh name meaning “The Lord/God is gracious.” which makes sense since he’s a believer of God but i’m not.

  6. Genesis Perez

    My name is Genesis. My mother named me Genesis because to her it meant the beginning of something new. The google definition of “Genesis” is “the origin or coming into being of something.” When i was born my mother decided to pack up everything and move away from a toxic environment in order to protect me and so with me her independence began. I have always liked my name and i do not mind sharing it with others. I have met many people with my name and when i ask why did their parents name them that the usual response would be because it is in the bible or because it sounded pretty. But the uniqueness in mine would be the reason behind why i was named Genesis and I thank my mother for letting me know.

  7. Jaylen Campbell

    Hi, my name is Jaylen. As far as I’m aware, there is little to no relevance to my name alone. Jaylen, Its a generic and quite common name. Every school i went to I knew at least 3 other kids names Jaylen or Jalen or Jailyn, some variation of the same name. I never wondered about the relevance of the name, I never cared if my parents had some special meaning when they chose it. I didn’t think it would be any different if my name were just pulled out of a hat. Tim, John, Bill, Tyler, Bob, all the same. I’ve always believe it was the person behind the name that gave it any real worth. Jaylen is a sophomore majoring in Data Science. He love to read, play video games, travel, play basketball and volleyball. He shows his creativity and talent by playing the piano and his focus and drive by coding. I’d rather be thought of like that than the definition of my name… personally.

  8. Kenya

    Kenya. I don’t know what to say about it. It’s just a name, it’s a good name, but it could be a better name. My mom told me when I was born for the first time holding me, she knew Kenya was the perfect name, it’s unique and it fits me. I love my name because it’s the name my mom gave me, I’m always going to appreciate it.

    Kenya. When people hear the name Kenya, they automatically think either, I’m a dark-skinned girl ( I’m light-skinned) or think of the African Country Kenya and just start making jokes. People would purposely say my name wrong like one minute I’m Kenya next minute I’m Kendra or even Kenny. Those aren’t my names, My name is Kenya that’s the name I was given from birth. Everyone thinks it funny not thinking or knowing it hurts on a deeper level for me, sometimes I just wish my name wasn’t Kenya. But hi my name is Kenya, I’m a freshman this is my second semester at City Tech, and my major is Science in Nursing.

  9. Yoel Javier

    Hello! My name is Yoel Javier. I was born in the Dominican Republic and moved to the US in 2016 at the age of 14th, almost turning 15th. I am a transfer student at New York City College of Technology with an Undeclared Health major (looking forward to becoming a future nurse). Before New York City College of Technology, I was a student at Borough of Manhattan Community College, BMCC. I earned an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts. I am the first of my siblings who made it to college. This is my third semester and first anniversary at the college. My favorite hobbies are playing video-games, sneaking out with friends, studying, work, and hearing music.

    Poem: Yoel or Joel

    My name has been at the center of controversies.

    It’s been for decades, why is this subject a priority? 

    It has the yeah and nays. 

    Me vs Everyone, Y vs J; both are my initials. 

    My name’s pronunciation varies. 

    In English, J and Y almost sound the same  

    In Spanish, they sound differently 

    Soft speaker I am, soft speaker I will be. 

    Forgive me world for the puzzling controversy. 

    Curse you society, curse your prejudice.

    Why shall I obey societies’ norms 

    Blase, shall I remain 

    I am Yoel, Not Joel, Period. 

    No person knows my insights. 

    We waste you, time  

    We attempted to puzzle the unpuzzle conflict 

  10. Christopher Ramos

    My name is Christopher Ramos. I am majoring in Computer Science.When it comes to my name, I don’t think to much about it or why I was given my name. I think it is because of how common my name is in the U.S. and the amount of people I have met and became friends with the exact same first name as me always interest me. To think that there are so many people walking around in their everyday life being referred to as the same name as me intrigues me. I always wonder why my name and why not something else, but to the same thought, I cannot picture myself with a different name.

  11. Georgios Galanopoulos

    My name Georgios comes from my grandfather from my mothers side. In Greek culture its custom to give children the names of their grandparents. My name means earthworker or farmer from Greek translation. As I was growing up i didn’t like my full name throughout school since i was the only Greek kid in any of my classes. I would of rather been called George, while my name also name full name would cut out on all attendance sheets. But as I grew older I have embraced the name of my grandfather.

  12. Naselin Mendez

    Hi, my name is Naselin Mendez. I know, you hear Naselin and you think what kind of name is that. Its okay I get that a lot. My name is one you dont hear very often. I used to feel a feeling of embarrassment when a school teacher had to go through student attendance. “Na-sy-liin?” *I raise my hand.* I used to say just call me Nas, yeah like the rapper. I used to hear Nas so much I even forgot who Naselin once was. “RING, RING. Who’s this-“

    Its okay someone just called regarding the missing person flier and saying they found Naselin Mendez.

  13. David2116

    Hey class, my name is David. It is a name which I always thought was unoriginal. There was a certain period where I wished my parents named me after someone cool or named me after a badass character from my favorite anime. I never knew what it meant or why I was named David except it sounded similar to my Chinese name, Da Wei. The first time someone told me the meaning of my name was through Father Paul, a pastor that would visit me often in the kitchen of the monastery | worked at when | was 16. He was one of the most gentle human I ever met and would always personally bring his finished plate of food to me. Everyday for the first week of my new job, he would ask me, “What is your name” and I would reply, “My name is David.” He would then follow up that with, “David, that’s a good name. Do you know what David means in the bible?” I would shake me head and he would reply, “it means the beloved.” I found my first interaction with Father Paul to be encouraging and sweet. It gave me the courage to work in a new environment that I never been in and also kept me feel safe knowing there is someone that is willing to take their time out of their day to get to know me. During the second and third day, he would ask me the same questions and I would be puzzled, but I would still answer his questions. It was then I soon learned that Father Paul had dementia and everyday he would forget my existence over and over again.

  14. Melany Mejia

    Hey, my name is Melany Mejia. My name doesn’t have the most fascinating backstory to it. Aside from the fact that my grandmother wanted me to have a name that seemed similar to hers , and since hers is Melania, she figured naming me Melany would be an identical attribute. 

  15. Wilson McKinley Clerville


    The Middle name to my father’s name. The name that sets me Apart. It breaths my identity yet hiding in plain sight. Most notable to tell me apart yet so easily forgotten.


    The name that’s makes me me but only to a certain degree. McKinley the to never be spelled correctly. McKinley the name that will never leave me. McKinley McKinley the name everyone forgets and neglects even Me.

  16. Edison

    My name is Edison, I’m a sophomore who is currently majoring in Computer Engineering. I’m not really sure as to why my parents chose this name other than it sounded nice to them. Immediately hearing this name you’d probably think of Thomas Edison or Con Edison and I wouldn’t blame you. Growing up I never really liked the name and even now I’m still not too fond of it but I’ve grown to accepted it. Some of my hobbies include drawing, playing video games and building legos or pc’s.

  17. Ritchy Joseph

    When you meet someone for the first time What do they ask? They ask what is your name. My name is Ritchy. I was Named by my father but didn’t have the chance to ash him what he was thinking When he named me. However When I researched my name I found many meanings to it such as old or powerful leader but I don’t think that’s what my father had in mind when he was naming me. I think he was thinking of a popular singer with the same name during his time in my country. So what is your name?

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