COMD 2451 – Web Design I

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

City Tech Email Outages

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: May 28, 2024 at 2:18 pm

Hi students,

For the last couple of days I have had an issue with my email where I haven't been able to send emails out (although I am able to receive them!). Apparently, this issue has been affecting others as well.

If you have sent me an email via your City Tech email during this time and haven't received a response, please try sending it again from another email address.

Many thanks,

Prof. Lloyd

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Week 8 Assignment - Link

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: May 21, 2024 at 3:55 pm

If you're having trouble with the link to the Accessibility Homework Template from week 8, try this link instead.

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Reminder - Today and Next Deadline, How to Get it Right The First Time!

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: May 21, 2024 at 10:52 am

Hi Students!

Hope all is going well for you today. Here's a reminder and clarification about the deadlines.


Assignments submitted from now until Thursday at midnight only get ONE chance to get graded. That means: Check you work so you get it right the first time! How to do this:

  1. Always check the Assignment instructions on Blackboard and use it as a checklist. (see below for details!) This is worth the time!
  2. Always TEST YOUR LINKS before posting them. I don't want to give anyone a zero on a project just because their GitHub link doesn't work!
  3. Always run your code through before submitting to rule out any major code errors.


Last night was the deadline for being able to resubmit. What that means is:

From now until Thursday at 11:59PM, you can still submit any assignments or projects.

  • Assignments/projects submitted before the deadline last night: these can still be submitted for one more regrade.
  • Assignments/projects submitted between Today and Thursday: I will grade them, but the first time is your ONLY chance.

What this means: Since you only get once chance now, be extra careful before submitting.

1. Always check the Assignment instructions on Blackboard.

How to use Blackboard's Assignment Instructions to check your work:

Step 1) ITEMS TO SUBMIT: This is like your packing list. Check it to make sure you didn't forget to include any required items.

Step 2) ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS : Skim the Instructions to make sure you didn't miss any steps.

Step 3) GRADING RUBRIC: Read each item and check your work (in the code AND the browser) to make sure you met each one of these. This is how I determine the grades.

If you look through each of these carefully, you should get a decent grade.

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Reminder: Today's Deadline!

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: May 20, 2024 at 2:45 pm

Hi students,

As a reminder, today at 11:59PM EDT is the deadline to be able to submit an assignment for the first time and be able to resubmit it. So if there are any assignments you have not yet submitted, now is the time to do so.

This counts for all assignments AND projects (projects = restaurant website and final project)

What that means:

Today: you can submit anything, and you will have a chance to resubmit it once.

Tomorrow: you can still submit anything, but you won't get to resubmit it. (double check your work and be extra careful to make sure you did the assignment correctly!!!)

Thursday at 11:59PM EDT will be the deadline to submit all assignments. So Friday and beyond, I will not accept any more assignments.

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Time-Saving Strategy for Catching Up on Assignments!

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: May 19, 2024 at 11:32 am

Hi all,

Trying to catch up on assignments from the past semester, or just checking over previously submitted work? Here's a super efficient order to do it.

TL;DR: ****HOT TIP: Save time: use the same repo for weeks 7, 11, 12, and the final project!***

I. Quick Wins! Start with these easier assignments to rack up quick points and a boost in momentum!

  1. Week 1 Lab
  2. Week 1 HW
  3. Week 10 - Progress Report

II. Feed 2 Birds with One Scone! Do these together, in this order. They all lead up to the final project presentation deck, set you up to do your site, AND count double because they go in the presentation deck.

  1. Week 3 Lab - creative brief
  2. Week 3 HW - feature list and sketches
  3. Week 6B - user flow and site map
  4. Week 5 - mood board and images AND
  5. Week 6A - style guide (do 5 and 6A together b/c they are connected)
  6. After doing these, paste them into the Final Project Presentation Deck Template.

III. Coding warmup. These two are easy and get you warmed up to do the rest of the stuff.

  1. Week 2 - html
  2. Week 4 - css

IV. Batch related coding. Do these together in this order. They all lead up to the final project. ****HOT TIP: Save time: use the same repo for weeks 7, 11, 12, and the final project!***

  1. Week 7 - responsive template and resume.html
  2. Week 11 - form
  3. Week 12 - JavaScript
  4. Final Project - Website

V. Get Big points first. The restaurant website counts as a project, so it's worth more than the other assignments. Do it now that you're warmed up on coding.

VI. Cooldown. These assignments are easy and quick, so you can crank them out quickly. Do them at the end because they don't feed into your final project (hence, they don't count double.)

  1. Week 8 - Accessibility
  2. Week 9 lab - Embedding Media

Good luck! LMK if you find this strategy helpful!

Prof. Lloyd