ADV1100 Graphic Design Principles 1

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  • Class 7: End of Class Mash Up Sketches
  • #15766

    Jenna Spevack

    Great work everyone! Looking forward to seeing your final INKED Pattern Mash Ups when we met next Thursday!

    Continue to post your questions and give feedback here.

    I will try to respond to everyone over the next day or so, but please offer your ideas to your colleagues as well.



    I only got to finish only one and below are 2 grids that i had made.


    I think I confused myself O.o


    Yuliya Bas

    Finished these two, 3rd one coming up.



    I started two grids, I have not thought of an idea for the third one yet. Here is my work:


    Lisa Chan

    I only managed to finish two, I found it kind of hard. I’ll probably redo it all, I don’t think either turned out very well.



    Xuxa: In the first image you had the right idea. We are pretty much suppose to experiment how our patterns will work together. The 2nd image is more like thumbnails. The grid is just combining all our patterns and trying to make them work. Good Job though :)


    Yuliya Bas

    Amen Xuxa, amen :P

    unfinished and I messed with the grid



    Jessica your first grid is very interesting. I can see that you put a lot of emphasis on the bottom grids . Nice work so far,



    I’m not done yet but this what I have so far. The first one is without a grid. The second one is with a grid. I still need do the shading on it but so far I’m pretty happy with it. Also, I apologize if it looks messy , I forgot to take an eraser, so I had to leave the smudges and mistakes on the pages.


    Yuliya Bas

    Lisa, I love the first one :)
    Jessica, wooow that’s an amazing improvement, awesome design!



    Justyn: Good Job bro once you do the shading it should look awesome


    here are some sketches I did !


    Jenna Spevack

    Nice XuXa! I like your technical approach. Now put these two together and experiment with varying the size, rotation, repetition of the patterns. At first glance, I’d say all of your patterns register at the same volume and complexity– too complex. Create some variety and contrast. ie: one pattern could be soft, quiet, delicate, one loud, bold, brash mix these together in different ways.


    Yuliya Bas

    Justyn, the bottom right ones are creepy because they remind me of a cross-section of pores from those acne commercials :P I like the layout

    tiffany, the bottom one is so lively, like a city, I can’t stop staring at it

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