Author Archives: klever quinde

obvious klever quinde lost and found

Andrea was in a rush. She quickly scurried around her apartment making a mess of things. She was always late and was determined to prove her friends wrong when they said she’d be the last one to dinner. She quickly threw on any outfit she could find. All black always works right? She was always one to take time with her makeup, but today was different. She was pressed for time. Not taking time to properly blend the copious amount of makeup she had thrown out in a rush. She dashed out the door in such a hurry she dropped her phone. As she bend to pick it up you wouldn’t believe it she dropped her face…. yes all her makeup had fallen off her face. Its a story she tells to this day.

Ambiguous klever quinde

Amir & Paco had never been to New York before. They went everywhere and did everything, on the last leg of their adventure they visited the empire state building. They climbed the 102 stories and were captivated by the view. Then a thought crossed Pacos mind, what if they threw a penny off the top of the empire state. Amir was worried, what if it hit someone. Paco didn’t listen, he flung the penny off the building. They both peeked to see what happened and as the penny hit the pavement they heard a BOOM! They ran down the building only getting a glimpse of the damage they had caused. Never to return to the scene of the crime.