mood: surprise
I decided to emphasize my mouth area to express an open mouth and the center being black to express my mouth. The top part of my hair represents the over exaggerated look of my hair standing up to represent the mood surprise.

mood: surprise
I decided to emphasize my mouth area to express an open mouth and the center being black to express my mouth. The top part of my hair represents the over exaggerated look of my hair standing up to represent the mood surprise.
Mood: Surprise
My face widens up, with my eyes glowing and staring at what caught my attention, jaw drops down slightly to show I’m speechless , eyebrows rise up but don’t join together to show curiosity . Tenses up a little from the surprise
I learned that I could have been more careful with drawing the letters and lines with more thickness and represent it better without smudginess on the paper. For the next project I would be more prepared with my materials ahead of time.
Texture: i see a rough texture in the stones with the dark color signifying the roughest parts of the image and the light spots signify smooth surfaces. The stones are not following the same rhythm of placement from some stones being spaced out more than the others. I also see no real connection with the stones because they are not all connected to each other and don’t share the same amount of dark shades and light shades.
Pattern: i see a pattern of 2 shapes, having the square repeat itself as well as the triangle on the sides of the picture repeating. I would also think it shows synchronicity in the relationship of shapes it follows from the squares and triangles connecting each other with no significance to each other then it being connected but the color on some of the shapes make it seem like it’s related to each other through color alone.
Texture: i see a rough texture in the stones with the dark color signifying the roughest parts of the image and the light spots signify smooth surfaces. The stones are not following the same rhythm of placement from some stones being spaced out more than the others. I also see no real connection with the stones because they are not all connected to each other and don’t share the same amount of dark shades and light shades.
Pattern: i see a pattern of 2 shapes, having the square repeat itself as well as the triangle on the sides of the picture repeating. I would also think it shows synchronicity in the relationship of shapes it follows from the squares and triangles connecting each other with no significance to each other then it being connected but the color on some of the shapes make it seem like it’s related to each other through color alone.