Monthly Archives: October 2020

Step 3

My mood was happiness. I cut out a large print out of a serious face so start with a clean slate basically. I used two smaller print outs of my eyes to symbolize how my eyes get smaller when I am happy and smiling. I also used a large print out of my lips and cut it in half and taped it in an upward position to show I am smiling. The last thing I cut out was my cheek bone. I used one from a large print out and placed it higher than the one of my serious face just to show how my cheek bones get higher and closer to my eyes when I am smiling.

Collage Sketches

I tried to use my hair and hoops as the focus point other than my smile to reflect happily. My hair is pretty big and couldn’t fit into the bristol board so I did one layer. I feel like my hair since it’s pretty big ( this was a somewhat flat day) reflect the happy mood that I’m trying to convey as well as my hoops. The hoops are big and have a design if looked at carefully.