1 . Discover

For this final project we had to find something that defines us and create our own personalized flags. I’ve never thought I’d be making a flag and especially one that describes me. For this part of the project I had to discover what is it that I want people to know about me or how to distinguish myself.

As I was trying to discover what I wanted to be in my flag, I had to make a mind map with the things that I either love to do or have a passion for. In the end I decided to go with a mix of both passion and love for the sport I play which is soccer. So I decided to go along with the number I wore when soccer started to be apart of my life, 16.

2 . Define

After getting this idea, I wanted to try out a few things that I can possibly make to be sure that my flag wasn’t just a number pasted in the middle. I wanted to find the best perspective view for everyone that was able to see my flag.

These two drafts are what inspired me to push myself to create a more simple but unique flag so I decided to play around with some colors palettes to see if there was better perspectives.

These were the color palettes that I decided to go with for my flag, the reason behind the choices of this color was basically because blue was the color of my first jersey that I have ever played with.

3 . Final

This is my final flag, I tried to combine everything that I have learned during this whole semester by using gradients to show different shade of colors, I tried using opacity with the colors in order to make lighter colors with the gradient. With the help of one of my classmates I was able to create the soccer ball to become more “real” by making it look as if It popped out of the flag. In the end, I believe that this flag is straightforward to the topic that I have chose for this project and how it may define me to others.