Angel Crespi

Digital photography

HW# 6

Matthew Pillsbury gallery was one of the most interesting galleries we visited; his subjects were mainly city attractions that he would capture in black and white. my first thoughts of the exhibit was that it was dark because of the blurred faces and the black and white high contrast tonality, but when observed closely what he is photographing are things or events that make people happy or things that are interesting to a particular area that can’t be found anywhere else.

Wijnandoo Deroo’s exhibit was extremely symmetrical; her exhibit was all about the interior architecture of buildings and museums. Most of her images had strong vertical lines and beautiful curved lines. My first impression of this gallery was that it was very symmetrical and well planned out, the way that Deroo captures the mood of the room she is photographing is phenomenal; it really makes me want to be there at the same place and time that the image was captured.

Nancy Burson’s gallery was fascinating, at first glance an untrained eye would simply think that the portraits from her exhibit are just that, portraits of people. In reality each portrait is an amalgam of people’s faces mixed up to form one cohesive face. I wasn’t very impressed when I first walked into the gallery but quickly gained respect for ms. Burson as the idea of mixing people’s faces so seamless seemed like something that could only be done in photoshop.

The Marie Cosindas was my favorite of them all; most of her images were taken in extremely foggy and dark days. The tones of her work were very dark making good use of shadows and black areas.

Reiner Gerritsen’s exhibition was pretty much like the Matthew Pillsbury exhibition, they both featured cityscapes and urban life. Gerritsen’s long shot of the people riding the train was astonishing, it depicts the many faces that board the train, it is a great representation of life in New York.

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One Response to

  1. rmichals says:

    Well observed. I like how you included how your understanding of the photographs in each exhibit grew. In particular I found it interesting that you reevaluated the Pillsbury photos and did not find them to be “dark” in mood. I agree. They are photos of leisure.
    They might be about time passing but not in the sense of mortality and death.

    The Burson photos are like all photos. The more you know about them, the more interesting they become. We need the back story so to speak. the idea that we can get everything from just looking at the image is naive.

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