Category Archives: Learning Logs

Painting with Light

  My idea of painting with light. It looks like a falling aurora of the green color. The composition is of center and cropped. The thing that might throw people of is the position but that is what makes it interesting … Continue reading

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Painting with light

  From todays activity “painting with light” this was one of the single best photographs. With the light we painted a silhouette with different colors in the background. This was the most creative way that we used the lighting.

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LL8- painting with light

This photo was very sharp and in focus. A mix of green and white lights were twirled together in place to create the overall effect of Destiny creating a tornado.

Posted in LL8-Painting with Light, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

LL2 more composition

  This image has a lot of patterns created by contrast of light and dark. Also its a cropped image that focuses on the chair

Posted in LL2-More on Composition, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Portrait Lighting for Mood

  This photo was taken as a high angle view point. This Photo shows his upper body bigger than his lower body. His head looking bigger than his arms and hands. Also his face expression goes along with his hand … Continue reading

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Learning Log: Portrait

This image was taken with a side light on a black background. Half of her face lurks in the shadows while the other half is seen in the light. This light creates a mysterious feeling. This is a close up … Continue reading

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Learning Log:Light

This is my favorite Photograph. The light shines from the top right corner to produce this dramatic effect. The top flower is overwhelmed in light while the bottom one is submerged in darkness. This Photo is a close up, which … Continue reading

Posted in LL5-Lighting Direction, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Portrait Lighting & Mood

  This is my best photograph of Tenzin with side-light. The emotion he shows is dramatic that makes it seem that he’s looking of into the distance. This is shot as a close up and can see the key tirangle

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Portrait Lighting for Mood

For this photograph we use two main light on the both side of Ivan as it shows high key, and I took the photograph from a high point of view with a wide angle distortion which came to fruition with … Continue reading

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Single best photo

The mood of this photo is very happy which is what makes it work well. The lighting used was key light, fill light and background light. Out of the pictures I took today I think this photograph captured the mood … Continue reading

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