Author Archives: Ivan


The lighting on these sunflowers is front lit. It’s front lit because there isn’t mush shadow on the sunflowers. The composition of this is in rule of thirds.

Posted in LL5-Lighting Direction | 1 Comment

Shallow Depth of Field

  My best shallow depth of field because it focuses on the center of the corn and everything else is in soft focus. Shallow depth of field is where the subject is in focus and everything else in in soft … Continue reading

Posted in LL4-Depth of Field | Leave a comment

Painting with Light

  My idea of painting with light. It looks like a falling aurora of the green color. The composition is of center and cropped. The thing that might throw people of is the position but that is what makes it interesting … Continue reading

Posted in LL8-Painting with Light | Leave a comment

Portrait Lighting & Mood

  This is my best photograph of Tenzin with side-light. The emotion he shows is dramatic that makes it seem that he’s looking of into the distance. This is shot as a close up and can see the key tirangle

Posted in LL7-Portrait Lighting for Mood | Leave a comment

ICP- Sebastião Salgado: Genesis

The exhibit from Sebastião Salgado named Genesis is hosted by ICP (International Center for Photography) which shows Salgado’s photography for his Genesis project. The project took eight years to complete and shows the beauty of nature and how people interact with it. … Continue reading

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Learning Log 3-Ivan Lee

This is my best photograph I took for pattern. The photograph shows shallow depth of field and it shows an interesting pattern of the tree stump.    

Posted in LL3-pattern, view point, rule of thirds | Leave a comment

Learning Log 2-Ivan Lee

This is one image I have taken within my team-up that was interesting/a good photo. It shows some visual elements in the photograph. The photograph shows a curved line that creates a frame for the chair at the background. Another one … Continue reading

Posted in LL2-More on Composition | Leave a comment

Homework Assignment 1 – Ivan Lee

One of the twenty-five photographs taken by Thomas Holton titled “The Lams of Ludlow Street.” The description on his website for his work “The Lams of Ludlow Street” tells people that he experienced and saw what a Chinese family living in New … Continue reading

Posted in HW1-photo description | 1 Comment

Composition-Learning Log 1

There are many new visual elements I have learned in the class today such as focus and depth of field, light, and line. The website “World Press Photo” showed many images and i have chose one that looked interesting to … Continue reading

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