Kairise Daguerreotype

At the Brooklyn Historical Society i saw a daguerreotype of self portraits by Andre Adolphe. The images were in black and white and looked very antique. In the photograph each person looked serious. The framing of the image was very delicate in designing all the details. The photograph itself looked very blurred and did not have a background. Daguerreotypes were unique because it had a big process behind it. I was impressed by the outcome of it after using many chemicals to produce one picture. In relation i took a picture of a flower in the Brooklyn Botanical Garden and it reminded me of a daguerreotype because of the way the object looked. In the self portraits of the daguerreotypes the people were holding still in one postition for a long time in order to get their picture taken. According to when i took the picture of the flower it was very still as well and it had no motion. Taking the picture of the flower was very easy compared to the process of the self portrait images with a daguerreotype. The image felt similar to a daguerreotype because if i were to convert the flower image in black and white it will look the same.

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