What i learned – Final LL8

I have learned several things in this class about photography that will definitely be useful during throughout my career. I learned a lot of different styles of photography. I learned how using Camera angles and styles can help with telling a story in your shots.I learned how  Low angles help create a sense of power to the subject. Using higher angles can make the subject appear more fragile and smaller. The use of angles is very important.

I have also learned a lot about different lighting techniques. Assignments like the one where we had to photograph Monuments helped me learn how to work with natural lighting. During classes i also learned how to work with studio lighting. I also learned a lot while experimenting with  different lighting styles such as sidelight, background lighting, front light, broad light and short light.

Lastly, the most important thing i learned in this class is how to work with the camera and choosing settings based on the subject/lighting or situation. I learned how different ISO, F-stop, white balance settings can really impact a photograph.





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