If you are interested in creating an ePortfolio please attend one of these sessions specifically created for our class. You must RSVP to itec@citytech.cuny.edu.
Wednesday July 22 at 11:00am G-600 lab, (enter the big lab and go to G-606 ePortfolio/OpenLab inside)
Wednesday July 22 at 2:00pm G-600 lab, (enter the big lab and go to G-606 ePortfolio/OpenLab inside)
Monday, July 27 at 10:00am G-600 lab, (enter the big lab and go to G-606 ePortfolio/OpenLab inside)
Monday, July 27 at 1:00pm G-600 lab, (enter the big lab and go to G-606 ePortfolio/OpenLab inside)
If they can’t register in time, they can always just go to the lab for help, too, and ask for Danny.