Author Archives: Nancy Huang

Waldorf Astoria

By: Nancy Huang, Destiny Rodriguez, Li Man

1.Skirting- is a table cloth which is draped on the edges of the table to give it a more formal or elegant look. There are endless amounts of uses for skirting, like for banquets, registration tables, and weddings.

2.Destination management company- Is an organization that a hotel hires to cater to their client’s specific needs. It is similar to the concierge (catering to guest needs) but a DMC offers more. They plan events and make sure everything gets done; they take care of everything for the clients.

3.Room layout: banquet- is a room layout with round dining tables and all of the seat are inwards. Which means the audience’ attention is focused on the people at the table and some may have their backs turned to the stage.

4.Over-set- is when a planner or caterer orders more than the guaranteed amount of things for a party and if they are used the client will have to pay for them.

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5.Fire Exit- It is an emergency sign. When something happening like burning people can get out from this exit immediately.

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6. A place to work- the kitchen is located on the ground floor. This is the place that chefs and the workers prepare the meals for the guests.

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7.Amenity -the bathtub and toilet are separate this consider as a 5 stars hotel.

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8.Banquet- the grand ballroom is for special event like weeding and banquet. It has 2 floors and holds more than 1000 people.



Photo Credit: Google

9.A Restaurant- is a place to serve people’s breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

10.Registration Table- the place to help people register for the rooms.

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Photo Credit: Google

11.Historical Landmark- the Waldorf Astoria clock is created in 1893. The clock is a significant of                                             Waldorf Astoria.

Waldorf Astoria Chicago offers diverse meeting space, dedicated service and personalized options for your group.

Photo Credit: Google

12.Bussiness Center- it offers a complete range of technological, Internet, and business services to help people stay productive, it open 7 days a week.

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13.Room Block- the total of all room in the hotel.

Brooklyn Bridge Park

The groups members were Anna, Guo Xiong, Justin and Nancy . Our area of tourism was Ecotourism. According to The International Ecotourism Society Ecotourism is: “Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people.” Four significant activities were:12179556_907249459310732_1341869872_n12188818_907249455977399_691757028_n

  1. One of the examples of the ecotourism is bike tours. You can rent a bike from the Brooklyn Bridge bike rentals and have a bike tour through the Brooklyn Waterfront. The Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway is “a Brooklyn-waterfront route with lots of first-rate new bike lanes, tremendous views of the Manhattan skyline and a great backstory” writes the editor of sustainable transportation news source Streetsblog – Ben Fried. It has been created for the people, who like to enjoy the nature – not to disturb it. During the field trip, we confirmed our expectations that it’s a great activity, because you can not only ride in the park, however, you can observe the view of the city.
  2. Gowanus:  Have you ever seen the garbage in the river? You will see this situation in the Gowanus Canal. For years, the Gowanus Canal has been polluted by the raw sewage waste and industrial waste products. People had created a clean and green program which called “The Gowanus Canal Conservancy. People can be the volunteer to work in the Gowanus Canal Conservancy, such a good choice to make the canal and its watershed more beautiful, clean, and native. The Gowanus Canal Conservancy located in Salt Lot, 2 Second Avenue (between 5th St and the Gowanus Canal), Brooklyn 11215. If people want to do something special and help the Gowanus, it’s a best choice to choose.
  3. Environmental education center: In the Brooklyn waterfront park, there is an Environment Education Center which offer the conservancy’s environmental education program for public and a public restroom for visitors. The center contains two signature exhibits, a marine aquarium and a discovery station. The aquarium has a 250 gallon showcases fish collected from the East River during the Conservancy popular seining program. And it also offer a child-friendly touch tank where visitors can see the marine animals, such as crabs. Mussels, and fish which are released back into river. The discovery station features a 9’ scale model, it provides an opportunity to look at the ecology, history and sustainable design of Brooklyn Waterfront Park. Children can play puzzles and binoculars showcase the birds, fish, and plant life.
  4. Parks commissioners building 1.1 million dollar dock is being designed to protect storm surge. Also first to provide educational programming through floating classrooms and also recreational boating opportunities. The building is very creative and meaningful because it like the art work and help people defense the storm surge.

The way that the ecosystem presented in the Brooklyn Bridge Park tells us a lot about of how important the ecotourism is for the city. To keep the ecosystem natural no chemicals are used. During the field trip it was cold and windy at the waterfront, but as soon as we walked into a grove it became nice and warm. We were surrounded by trees and there could be many birds, butterflies, and ladybugs, if the weather was warmer.

Nancy (Jia Yi) Huang

       As a student in NYC College of Technology, I’m study in hospitality management. My academic goal is to graduate from New York City College of Technology. I love reading books and traveling. I like the feeling of traveling because it can relax my stress. I like to listen different kinds of music because it can easily understand the song’s meaning and emotion. I believe the song can effect people’s emotion. I’m not sure about my future, but I will like to try hard in this major. My favorite flower is sunflower because it similar with my personality. I like to communicate with other people from different countries because I like to making friends. I believe nobody’s perfect, but everyone have their merit and it’s irreplaceable. People can get through by making friends to modify their weakness.