Author Archives: jessicapineda01

New York City, a place known as the city that never sleeps, the home of various cultures, and the place where you can just be you. Yes, of course NYC offers all that, but if you want to step outside the box and stay in a more quiet relaxing area make sure you visit The Brooklyn Bride Water, experience an amazing weekend doing things you wouldn’t never imagine to do in NYC

June 13, 2014 Friday

1) King Lear- Brooklyn Bridge Park | 6:00 pm

Ever been intrigued by Shakespeare? If so step out of the box and enjoy the afternoon watching the phrases and sentences come to life, performed by theater 2020. If you’re not interested then just sit and enjoy an amazing sunset, painting the sky and hiding timidly behind the manhattan skyscrapers directly across the still Waters dividing the boroughs carefully. You may enjoy and get a different point of view of what Shakespeare’s writing were about. This is Shakespeare like you’ve never seen it before.

2) Racco’s Taco and Tequila Bar | 8:30 pm

After an amazing live performance, hunger might join the night. Before going back to the Brooklyn Bridge Marriott stop at the corner of the hotel at a restaurant named Rocco’s tacos. A four star restaurant and bar, rated by yelp. An amazing restaurant when it comes to meals that focus on culture and flavor. Racco’s taco is a well know traditional taco spot that with make you want to reorder and then food home with you.  Their out of this world traditional Mexican food will make you become a fan of the Mexican food customs. Great service is found here, a large relaxing space, and of course various alcoholic beverages. Mexican oriented as well as others.

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June 14, 2014 Saturday

3) Kayaking |8:00 am

Have you ever wanted to take of Row Beneath the Brooklyn Bridge, well who doesn’t? The Brooklyn bridge boathouse will make your dreams come true. Pier number 2 will make this happen, no experience necessary and best of all this activity is free. Enjoy a great time entering a premises that is prohibited most of the times, feel free, wiggle your fingers as you touch the water and then paddle yourself near the center of the river breath the cool air, let this once in a life time moment take over you. If you are given the chance to enjoy it, then do give it your best, race the other kayak’s around you, but  make sure is you want participate arrive early and ready for the action, lines get really long. who would want to miss a chance to Glide along the waters of the Brooklyn Bridge without a cost, you won’t regret it.

4) Walking towards the brunch | 11:00 am

After that amazing experience it will definitely get you tired. Since you just finished being on  water, why not complete the marvelous time by enjoy an energizing brunch that will remind you of the kayaking moments you were just in. Luke’s lobster is a small restaurant only 12 minutes from Pier 2. While you walk to your destination make sure to take in every single detail these sky scrapers, it’s fascinating the way these buildings caress the unreachable point of the sky, its intimidating yet inspiring. one you arrive to Luke’s Lobster remember once you purchase your food, eat it outdoors near the river. This will make you feel as if you’re in the beautiful state of Maine

5) Brooklyn Grange Rooftop Farm | 12:30 pm

The weather is nice and warm, the sun is up and you don’t mind getting down and dirty. Then why not visit the Brooklyn Navy Yard rooftop garden? You will experience the hands-on work farmers do in order to maintain their crops delicious and healthy, but just wait! Make sure to bring your camera because the view from where you stand is 100% breath taking. You will not forget it, even if you tried. Remember how the buildings looked while you were cruising passed them on your way to Luke’s Lobster, well front this point you will no longer be intimidated, but get filled of courage while looking down at these, what are now small buildings resembling lego pieces from a far.

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 6) Go back to the Hotel| 4:30 pm

Relax, get cleaned up, and take the time to enjoy and feel the peace. Dress up and look your best, prepare yourself for a romantic evening with a view that will leave you speechless. It’s your last night so make it unforgettable.

7) River cafe | 7:00 pm

You have just arrived at the River CafĂ©. Sit, relax and take the time to enjoy the people or person you’re with. The area around you and the food being served are just a plus of where you are sitting. The River CafĂ© offers a fascinating old-world Manhattan fine dining experience. This will make your evening a very special one. This Cafe well set the mood for its significant meaning to the Brooklyn bridge, as well as its romantic and delicate atmosphere. Once you enter this restaurant you will come out more in love with Brooklyn as well as the significant other with you.

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8) A romantic walk | 10:00 pm

It’s late, the weather is nice and warm,yet not too warm, perfect to relax and take pictures. Walk from where you are (pier 1) to the other end of the pier. The setting around you is what will make you want to come back and enjoy another time here in NYC. The light of each of the windows from every building drawing gracefully upon the water, followed by the sweet moon shining down on you are you hook hands with your significant other, of just talk and connect with a friend. after these wonderful 36 hours you may go back home, or even to another destination, but you will never be able to forget about your 36 hours in the amazing Brooklyn water front.

* If you do decided to visit this amazing location, you will not regret it*

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“Events.” Brooklyn Bridge Park. Web. <>.

“Brooklyn Grange.” (All About) Brooklyn Grange. Web. <>.

“Luke’s (info).” Luke’s. Web. <>.

“Location Name.” Racco’s Taco, Brookly Bridge Marriott,. Web. <>.

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Jessica Pineda

As a recent high school graduate, starting college is a drastic change. Not being told what to do, or how to do it can be scary but i know I can handle it. I see myself managing hotels and traveling a lot, teaching and learning from others in a goal I have given myself because this is something that makes me who I am. I have lots of experience with people, as I interact with them at church, work and lots of other places. All my life I have been doing community service for the Salvation army, as it also is my church. I have learned to assist with peoples attitudes and situations, and not everyone is lucky enough to a perfect life, so managing different personalities is my strength. In college I plan to learn how to succeed in and travel to many parts of the country and maybe over seas. I would love to see myself learning from others views and cultures. Learning different languages and communicating with others around the world would be the topping to my career. I want to be someone who knows what they are doing in their field, I would love to be looked up as an example. With hard work and dedication I know I can do this, the hard things in life aren’t handed to you. You have to work hard for them. But its surly worth it at the end of the path.