Veronika Shalska

I moved to the U.S. almost three years ago from Ukraine. Maybe it sounds weird but I always knew that my life would be connected with hospitality industry. After graduating from high school, I started to study in Kiev National University of Trade and Economics and choose Hospitality Management as my major. However, after two years, I was offered a perspective full-time job in one of the most successful tour operators in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. The company was founded in 1993 and held its leading positions for more than 20 years on the out-coming travel market. It specialized on escorted bus tours to all the European countries and served more than 6000 travelers annually. I worked there as a manager assistant of Scandinavian department and was obsessed with tourism industry. The biggest pleasure for me was to hear happy voice of a client who came back after vocation. My job in this company helped me to develop my personal qualities such as enthusiasm, commitment, interpersonal and organizational skills.

I came to America in order to explore new opportunities and broader horizons. I lived in California and tried myself in insurance business which was completely opposite to my lovely and interesting job in hospitality industry. After several months of hesitation, I decided to move to New York and keep trying to find myself in what I enjoy. I started to work in a very popular Russian restaurant in Manhattan as a hostess. My first job in restaurant business gave me fundamental experience and professional knowledge. However, an idea to continue my education didn’t leave me and I choose New York City College of Technology. I had a chance to be attended at the Hospitality Management tour organized in the college last spring. It was informative and fascinating journey to the world I always wanted to be a part of. Fortunately, my journey started with the beginning of this semester and I’m sure it’ll be interesting.

6 thoughts on “Veronika Shalska

  1. anthony espino

    you seem to have already a very interesting life . with all the jobs you have held and it is great you know what your passion is . i hope u continue in the same route that u seem to be going down .

  2. Victoria Kitsos

    Hey Veronika, I like your profile and how you describe yourself. I think that you can make it a little shorter in describing certain things, such as when the company was founded and that sort of thing. I hope that helped you.

  3. jessicapineda01

    Hi Veronika,
    After reading your story, it has made me realize if I strive for more, I can defiantly accomplish many things. I can imagine how hard moving to a new country is, but your courage has encouraged me to lose fear. It has made me think that if i want more, then look for it. There is nothing to lose, but much to gain.

    1. Veronika Post author

      Thank you, Jessica! I’m glad that my life and work experience can encourage and inspirit someone. Your future is in your arms so you can get anything that you want.

  4. Marilyn Marte

    your story is very interesting ! we have similar situation because as well like you I came to this country to explore better opportunities. i know we both gonna success in our goals!!!.


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